Digital System Design

Unit-1 (15 lectures, Marks 20)

Number System and Codes: Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal, BCD, Conversions,
Complements (1’s and 2’s), Signed and unsigned numbers, addition and subtraction,
multiplication and subtraction, Gray Codes
Boolean algebra and Logic gates: Boolean algebra- Positive and negative logic. Boolean laws.
De Morgan’s theorems, simplification of Boolean expressions-SOP and POS. Logic gatesbasic logic gates-AND, OR, NOT, logic symbol and truth table. Derived logic gates (NAND,
NOR, XOR & XNOR). Universal property of NOR and NAND gates. K-map-3 and 4 variable
expressions. Characteristics of logic families: Fan In and Fan out, power dissipation and noise
Immunity, propagation delay, comparison of TTL and CMOS families.

Unit-2 (10 lectures, Marks 15)

Combinational logic analysis and design: Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, Adder (half
and full) and their use as subtractor, Encoder and Decoder, Code Converter (Binary to BCD
and vice versa)

Unit-3 (15 lectures, Marks 20)

Sequential logic design: Latch, Flip flop, S-R FF , J-K FF, T and D type FFs, clocked FFs,
registers, Counters (ripple, synchronous and asynchronous, ring, modulus)

Unit-4 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Introduction to Microprocessor: Introduction, applications, basic block diagram, speed,
word size, memory capacity, classification of microprocessors (mention different
microprocessors being used)
Microprocessor 8085: Features, architecture -block diagram, internal registers, register
pairs, flags, stack pointer, program counter, types of buses. Multiplexed address and data
bus, generation of control signals, pin description of microprocessor 8085.

Suggested books:

1. M. Morris Mano Digital System Design, Pearson Education Asia,( Fourth Edition )
2. Thomas L. Flyod, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education Asia (1994)
3. W. H. Gothmann, Digital Electronics: An Introduction To Theory And Practice,
Prentice Hall of India(2000)
4. R. L. Tokheim, Digital Principles, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw- Hill
5. A Verilog HDL Primer – J. Bhasker, BSP, 2003 II Edition.
6. Verilog HDL-A guide to digital design and synthesis-Samir Palnitkar, Pearson, 2nd

Digital System Design Lab (Hardware and Circuit Simulation Software)
60 Lectures , Marks 40

1. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAND gates.
2. To convert a Boolean expression into logic gate circuit and assemble it using logic
gate IC’s.
3. Design a Half and Full Adder.
4. Design a Half and Full Subtractor.
5. Design a seven segment display driver.
6. Design a 4 X 1 Multiplexer using gates.
7. To build a Flip- Flop Circuits using elementary gates. (RS, Clocked RS, D-type).
8. Design a counter using D/T/JK Flip-Flop.
9. Design a shift register and study Serial and parallel shifting of data.


1. Write code to realize basic and derived logic gates.
2. Half adder, Full Adder using basic and derived gates.
3. Half subtractor and Full Subtractor using basic and derived gates.
4. Clocked D FF, T FF and JK FF (with Reset inputs).
5. Multiplexer (4x1, 8x1) and Demultiplexer using logic gates.
6. Decoder (2x4, 3x8), Encoders and Priority Encoders.
7. Design and simulation of a 4 bit Adder.
8. Code converters (Binary to Gray and vice versa).
9. 2 bit Magnitude comparator.
10. 3 bit Ripple counter.

Multimedia and Applications

The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce the fundamental elements of multimedia.
 Describe how still images, sound, and video can be digitized on the computer.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Summarize the key concepts in current multimedia technology.
 Create quality multimedia software titles.

Unit I: 8L
Multimedia: Introduction to multimedia, Components, Uses of multimedia.

Unit II: 15L
Making Multimedia: Stages of a multimedia project, Requirements to make good multimedia,
Multimedia Hardware - Macintosh and Windows production Platforms, Hardware peripherals -
Connections, Memory and storage devices, Multimedia software and Authoring tools.

Unit III: 7L
Text: Fonts & Faces, Using Text in Multimedia, Font Editing & Design Tools, Hypermedia

Unit IV: 6L
Images: Still Images – Bitmaps, Vector Drawing, 3D Drawing & rendering, Natural Light &
Colors, Computerized Colors, Color Palletes, Image File Formats.

Unit V: 6L
Sound: Digital Audio, MIDI Audio, MIDI vs Digital Audio, Audio File Formats.

Unit VI: 8L
Video: How Video Works, Analog Video, Digital Video, Video File Formats, Video Shooting and

Unit VII: 10L
Animation: Principle of Animations. Animation Techniques, Animation File Formats.

Books Recommended:
1. Tay Vaughan, “Multimedia: Making it work”, TMH, Eighth edition. 2006
2. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Naharstedt, “Multimedia: Computing, Communications
Applications”, Pearson,1995.
3. Keyes, “Multimedia Handbook”, TMH. 2000.
4. K. Andleigh and K. Thakkar, “Multimedia System Design”, PHI,2000

Computer Lab Based on Multimedia and Applications:
 Practical exercises using Flash.
FLASH: Concept of Frame, Key frames, Frame rate, Timeline, Tween, Layers, Symbols,
Embedding audio/video and embedding on the web page

Programming in SCILAB

The course is designed with an objective to
 Familiarize the student in introducing and exploring MATLAB & LABVIEW softwares.
 Enable the student on how to approach for solving Engineering problems using simulation
 Prepare the students to use MATLAB/LABVIEW in their project works.
 Provide a foundation in use of this softwares for real time applications

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Implement simple mathematical functions/equations in SCILAB.
 Interpret and visualize simple mathematical functions and operations thereon using

Unit I: 15L
Introduction to Programming and Programming Environment: working with numbers,
Machine code, Software hierarchy.
SCILAB Environment, Workspace, Working Directory, Expressions, Constants, Variables and
assignment statement, Arrays.

Unit II: 10L
Control Statements: Conditional statements: If, Else, Else-if, Repetition statements: While, for

Unit III: 15L
Matrices: Some Simple Matrix Operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, Sub- Matrices.

Unit IV: 10L
Procedures and Functions: Arguments and return values

Unit V: 15L
Graph Plots and Manipulating Text: Basic plotting, Built in functions, Generating
waveforms, Sound replay, load and save.
Writing to a text file, Reading from a text file, Randomising and sorting a list, searching a list.

Books Recommended:
1. M.Affouf, SCILAB by Example , CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,2012
2. H. Ramchandran, A.S. Nair, SCILAB , S.Chand, 2011

Computer Lab Based on Programming in SCILAB:
 Programming using Functions , Loops, Conditional statement


The course is designed with an objective to
 Describe the fundamentals of Fortarn programming.
 Demonstrate coding.
 Explain the skills for Mathematical programming.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Design algorithms to solve numerical problems.
 Solve problems through Fortran programs.
 Develop advance Fortran program to solve real life problems.
 Introduce numerical techniques that can be used on computers.
 Interpret the reliability of numerical results.
 Develop codes for numerical methods.

Unit I : 10L
Introduction to Fortran, History of Fortran, Algorithms and Flowcharts, Constants and Variables,
Expressions and Statements.

Unit II: Functions and Loops 12L
Control Statements, Do Loops, Arrays, Function and Subroutine, File Processing.

Unit III: 14L
Searching and Sorting, Numerical Methods: Bisection Method, False Position Method, NewtonRaphson Method.

Unit IV: 12L
Matrix and Linear Equations: System of Linear Equation, Gauss Elimination Method, Matrix
Inversion, Eigen values.

Unit V: 12L
Interpolation: Linear interpolation, Lagrange’s Interpolation, Finite Differences.

Books Recommended:
1. Chivers I.,Sleightholme J. “Introduction to Programming with Fortran” Springer, 2
Edition (2015).
2. Salaria R. S.,“A Modern Approach to Programming in Fortran”, Khanna Book
Publishing, 4 Edition(2015).
3. Marcotty M., Ledgard H., “The World of Programming Languages”, Springer.
4. Cwiakala M., Mayo W., “Schaum's Outline of Programming With Fortran 77
(Schaum's Outlines)”, McGraw-Hill Education (31 March 1995).

Computer Lab Based on FORTRAN PROGRAMMING:
 Solving Mathematical Problems using Fortran

Programming in Visual Basic with Oracle

The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce programming concept in Visual basics and oracle.
 Enable students to design database.
 Enable students to design new techniques for software development.
 Enable students to learn database connectivity using Visual Basic as front-end tool.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Analyze and manipulate data from a large database
 Formulate new and better data accessing techniques
 Develop better user friendly software
 Student can use SQL for storing and retrieving data from the RDBMS.

Unit I: 10L
GUI Environment: Introduction to graphical user interface (GUI), programming language
(procedural, object oriented, event driven), the GUI environment, compiling, debugging, and
running the programs.

Unit II: 12L
Controls: Introduction to controls textboxes, frames, check boxes, option buttons, images,
setting borders and styles, the shape control, the line control, working with multiple controls and
their properties, designing the user interface, keyboard access, tab controls, default & cancel
property, coding for controls.

Unit III: 6L
Operations: Data types, constants, named & intrinsic, declaring variables, scope of variables,
val function, arithmetic operations, formatting data.

Unit IV: 9L
Decision Making : If statement, comparing strings, compound conditions (and, or, not), nested
if statements, case structure, using if statements with option buttons & check boxes, displaying
message in message box, testing whether input is valid or not.

Unit V: 8L
Forms and Iteration Handling : Multiple forms creating, adding, removing forms in project,
hide, show method, load, unload statement, me keyword, referring to objects on a different
forms, Do/loops, for/next loops, using msgbox function, using string function

Unit VI: 15L
Oracle: Approach and advantages, PL/SQL blocks variable, manipulating data, Input and
Output Parameters and Return values, Exception handling, procedure, function, package,

Books Recommended:
1. Bradley, J. C., Millispangh A. C. ,: “Programming in Visual Basic 6.0” , Tata Mcgraw
Hill Edition 2000 (Fourteenth Reprint 2004).
2. Bayross, I, : “SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle”, Paperback – 1 Dec
3. Petroutsos, E. : “Mastering Visual Basic 6 ” , BPB , ISBN: 9788126523085, Edition: 6th,
4. Jerke, N.: “Visual Basic 6: The Complete Reference” 1st Edition.
Computer Lab Based on Visual Basic with Oracle:
 Practical exercises based on concepts listed in theory using VB.

 Hands on practice on installation, connection ,SDLC
 Table definition (The table must include constraints)

Database Management Systems


The course is designed with an objective to
 Construct simple and moderately advanced database queries using Structured Query
Language (SQL)
 Apply logical database design principles, including E-R diagrams and database

Learning Outcome:

On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Describe the principles of the relational database Access
 Define and manipulate data using SQL
 Construct and normalize conceptual data models.

Unit I: 10L

Introduction to Database Management Systems: Characteristics of database approach, data
models, DBMS architecture and data independence.

Unit II: 15L

Entity Relationship and Enhanced ER Modeling: Entity types, relationships, SQL-99: Schema
Definition, constraints, and object modeling.

Unit III: 15L

Relational Data Model: Basic concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra, SQL queries.

Unit IV: 20L

Database design: ER and EER to relational mapping, functional dependencies, normal forms up
to third normal form.

Books Recommended:

1. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems 6th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2010.
2. R. Ramakrishanan, J. Gehrke, Database Management Systems 3rd Edition, McGrawHill, 2002.
3. A. Silberschatz, H.F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts 6th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
4. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe Database Systems Models, Languages, Design and application
Programming, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.

Computer Lab Based on Database Management Systems:

 Describe the principles of the relational database Access
 Define and manipulate data using SQL
 Construct and normalize conceptual data models.

HISTORY OF INDIA V (c. 1550 - 1605)

Course Objective:

(i) The students will have information regarding the Persian sources and
vernacular literary traditions
(ii) The growth and consolidation of the Mughal Empire
(iii) Mughal policies in the North West Frontier and the Deccan
(iv) The land rights and revenue system, agriculture, trade under the Mughals
(v) Political and religious ideas of the period concerned

Unit-1 Sources and Historiography:
(a) Persian literary culture; translations; Vernacular literary traditions
(b) Modern Interpretations
Establishment of Mughal rule:
(c) India on the eve of Babur’s invasion
(d) Fire arms, military technology and warfare
(e) Humayun’s struggle for empire
(f) Sher Shah and his administrative and revenue reforms

Unit-2 Consolidation of Mughal rule under Akbar:
(a) Campaigns and conquests: tactics and technology
(b) Evolution of administrative institutions: zabt, mansab, jagir, madad-i-maash
(c) Revolts and resistance

Unit-3 Expansion and Integration:
(a) Incorporation of Rajputs and other indigenous groups in Mughal nobility
(b) North-West frontier, Gujarat and the Deccan
(c) Conquest of Bengal

Unit-4 Rural Society and Economy:
(a) Land rights and revenue system; Zamindars and peasants; rural tensions
(b) Extension of agriculture; agricultural production; crop patterns
(c) Trade routes and patterns of internal commerce; overseas trade; rise of Surat

Unit-5 Political and religious ideals:
(a) Inclusive political ideas: theory and practice
(b) Religious tolerance and sulh-i-kul; Sufi mystical and intellectual interventions
(c) Pressure from the ulama

Recommended Readings:

Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subramanian, eds, The Mughal State, 1526 - 1750.
J.F. Richards, The Mughal Empire.
Satish Chandra: A History of Medieval India, 2 volumes
Satish Chandra, Essays on Medieval Indian History.
Irfan Habib, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1526 - 1707.
Tapan Ray Chaudhury and Irfan Habib (ed.) The Cambridge Economic History of India,Vol.
Tara Chand: Influence of Islam on Indian Culture

Data Structures using C


The course is designed with an objective to
 Developing programming logic using C.
 Demonstrate the major algorithms in data structures.
 Analyze performance of algorithms.
 Discuss which algorithm or data structure to use in different scenarios.
 Demonstrate the properties of various data structures such as stacks, queues, lists, trees.
 Demonstrate various sorting algorithms, including bubble sort, insertion sort, selection
sort, heap sort, merge sort, quick sort.
 Demonstrate understanding of various searching algorithms.

Learning Outcome:

On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Write programs using C as a language.
 Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
 Distinguish between linear and non-linear data structure.
 Apply non-linear data structure in appropriate areas.
 Apply various sorting and searching algorithms in different problems.

Unit I: 20L

Introduction: Introduction to C Language, Conditional Statements and Loops, Arrays &

Unit II: 14L

Basics of Data Structure: Data structure, algorithms, Primitive and Composite data types,
Time and Space Complexity of Algorithms, Linked List, Stack, Queues implementation using
Array and linked list, Insertion, Deletion and Traversal of linked list. Recursion and its
implementation with reference to stack.

Unit III: 14L

Sorting & Searching Algorithms: Introduction to Sorting and its practical use, Sorting
Algorithms and its implementation Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection Sort, Quick sort, Merge
sort and Radix Sort.
Introduction to Searching algorithms, Linear search, Binary search, depth first search and
breadth first search techniques.

Unit IV: 12L

Introduction to Trees: Introduction to Trees, properties of Trees, Binary Tree, Complete
Binary Trees, Binary search Trees, Tree traversal methods(pre order, in order, post order),Infix,
Postfix and Prefix Notations.

Books Recommended:

1. Balaguruswami, D “Programming with ANSI-C” 6
th Edition, Tata McGrow
2. Tenenbaum A. M.,”Data Structures Using C”,Pearson,2nd Edition,2009.
3. Baluja, G. S.”Data Structure through C++”, Dhanpat Rai Publication,2012.
4. Lipschutz, Seymour”Data Structures”, T. M. Hill,2010.
5. Weiss, Mark Allen ”Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”,Pearson,4th

Computer Lab Based on Data Structures using C:

 Write basic C programs.
 Write programs to implement different operations on arrays.
 Write programs to implement stack, queue, and linked-lists.
 Write programs to implement sorting and searching algorithms.
 Write programs to implement BST.

Electronic Circuits and PCB Designing

Unit-1 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

Network theorems (DC analysis only): Review of Ohms law, Kirchhoff’s laws, voltage
divider and current divider theorems, open and short circuits.
Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem and interconversion, superposition theorem,
maximum power transfer theorem.

Unit 2 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Semiconductor Diode and its applications: PN junction diode and characteristics, ideal
diode and diode approximations. Block diagram of a Regulated Power Supply, Rectifiers:
HWR, FWR - center tapped and bridge FWRs. Circuit diagrams, working and waveforms,
ripple factor & efficiency(no derivations).Filters: circuit diagram and explanation of shunt
capacitor filter with waveforms.
Zener diode regulator: circuit diagram and explanation for load and line regulation,
disadvantages of Zener diode regulator.

Unit-3 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

BJT and Small Signal amplifier: Bipolar Junction Transistor: Construction, principle &
working of NPN transistor, terminology. Configuration: CE, CB, CC. Definition of α, β and
γ and their interrelations, leakage currents. Study of CE Characteristics, Hybrid parameters.
Transistor biasing: need for biasing, DC load line, operating point, thermal runaway,
stability and stability factor.
Voltage divider bias: circuit diagrams and their working, Q point expressions for voltage
divider biasing.
Small signal CE amplifier: circuit, working, frequency response, re model for CE
configuration, derivation for Av, Zin and Zout.

Unit-4 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Types of PCB: Single sided board, double sided, Multilayer boards, Plated through holes
technology, Benefits of Surface Mount Technology (SMT), Limitation of SMT, Surface
mount components: Resistors, Capacitor, Inductor, Diode and IC’s.
Layout and Artwork: Layout Planning: General rules of Layout, Resistance, Capacitance
and Inductance, Conductor Spacing, Supply and Ground Conductors, Component Placing
and mounting, Cooling requirement and package density, Layout check.
Basic artwork approaches, Artwork taping guidelines, General artwork rules: Artwork
check and Inspection.
Laminates and Photoprinting: Properties of laminates, Types of Laminates, Manual
cleaning process, Basic printing process for double sided PCB’s, Photo resists, wet film
resists, Coating process for wet film resists, Exposure and further process for wet film
resists, Dry film resists
Etching and Soldering: Introduction, Etching machine, Etchant system. Principles of
Solder connection, Solder joints, Solder alloys, Soldering fluxes. Soldering, Desoldering
tools and Techniques.

Suggested Books:

1. Electronic Devices and circuit theory, Robert Boylstead and Louis Nashelsky, 9th
Edition, 2013, PHI
2. Electronics text lab manual, Paul B. Zbar.
3. Electric circuits, Joeseph Edminister, Schaum series.
4. Basic Electronics and Linear circuits, N.N. Bhargava, D.C. Kulshresta and
D.C Gupta -TMH.
5. Electronic devices, David A Bell, Reston Publishing Company/DB Tarapurwala Publ.
6. Walter C.Bosshart “PCB DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY” Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, Delhi. 1983
7. Clyde F.Coombs “Printed circuits Handbook” III Edition, McGraw Hill.

Electronic Circuits and PCB Designing Lab (Hardware and Circuit Simulation
60 Lectures , Marks 40

1. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem
2. Verification of Super position theorem
3. Verification of Maximum power transfer theorem.
4. Half wave Rectifier – without and with shunt capacitance filter.
5. Centre tapped full wave rectifier – without and with shunt capacitance filter.
6. Zener diode as voltage regulator – load regulation.
7. Transistor characteristics in CE mode – determination of ri, ro and β.
8. Design and study of voltage divider biasing.
9. Designing of an CE based amplifier of given gain
10. Designing of PCB using artwork, its fabrication and testing.
11. Design, fabrication and testing of a 9 V power supply with zener regulator

Paper IV Historiography

Objective :
This course aims to introduce the learners to important issues related to historical method
including significant , historical trends and issues related with the historians craft.

Unit-1 1.01: Concept: Meaning, Scope and Purpose of History,
 Varieties of History Causation in History, Objectivity
 in History
1.02: Primary and Secondary Sources, Internal and
 External Criticism,
1.03: History and Allied Subjects: Archeology,
 Epigraphy and Numismatics
1.04: History and Geography, History and Anthropology,
 History and Sociology, History and Literature

Unit-2 Evolution of Historiography
2.01: Ancient Greece -Herodotus and Thucydides
2.02: Ancient Rome -Livy and Tacitus
2.03: Chinese Historiography- Summa Chien
2.04: Historiography in Arab Countries- Ibn Khaldun
 and Yagubi
2.05: Medieval European Historiography and Christian

Unit-3 Renaissance to Enlightenment Historiography:
3.01 Renaissance Historiography
3.02 Scientific Revolution and Impact on History Writing
3.03: Enlightenment Historiography

Unit-4 4.01 : Early Indian Notions of History
4.02 : Development of Historical Consciousness in Early
4.03 : Development of History Writing in Sultanate and
 Mughal Period
4.04 : Regional Historical Traditions- Assam,
 Maharashtra, South India

Unit-5 Development of History Writing in India in Modern Period
5.01: Orientalist- Sir William Jones and Asiatic Society of Bengal
5.02: Utilitarians- James Mill and other Colonial
5.03: Nationalist Historiography
5.04: Marxist and Subaltern Historiography

Suggested Readings
Bajaj Satish : Recent Trends in Historiography, New Delhi, 1988
Barnes, H.E. : A History of History Writing, Oklahoma, 1937
Black Jeremy and Donald M. : Studying History, Macmillan, 1997
Cannon John (ed) : The Historian at Work, London, 1980
Carr E.H. : What is History, Latest edition
Collingwood, R.G : The Idea of History, OUP, latest edition
Evans J. Richard : In Defense of History, London, 1997
Gare, Arran E : Postmodernism and Environmental Crisis, London, 1997
Gooch, G.P. : History and Historians of the Nineteenth Century, Reprint,
: 1952
Merquior J.G : Foucault, London, Second edition, 1991
Marwick, Arthur : Introduction to History, London, 1977
Sreedharan, E : A Textbook of Historiography 500 BC to 2000
Stern Fritz : Varieties of History, New York,
Thompson, J.W & Bernard H : A History of History Writing, 2 vols., 


Unit -1 (14 Lectures, Marks 20)

Introduction: Definition of Nano-Science and Nano Technology, Applications of NanoTechnology.
Introduction to Physics of Solid State: Size dependence of properties, bonding in atoms
and giant molecular solids, Electronic conduction, Systems confined to one, two or three
dimension and their effect on property
Quantum Theory for Nano Science: Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger
wave equations. Particle in a box, Potential step: Reflection and tunneling (Quantum leak).
Penetration of Barrier, Electron trapped in 2D plane (Nano sheet), Quantum confinement
effect in nano materials.
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots: Preparation of Quantum Nanostructure; Size and
Dimensionality effect, Fermi gas; Potential wells; Partial confinement; Excitons; Single
electron Tunneling, Infrared detectors; Quantum dot laser Superconductivity.

Unit-2 (18 Lectures, Marks 24)

Growth Techniques of Nanomaterials: Synthetic aspects: bottom up and top down
approaches, Lithograpahic and Nonlithograpahic techniques, Sputtering and film deposition
in glow discharge, DC sputtering technique (p-CuAlO2 deposition). Thermal evaporation
technique, E-beam evaporation, Chemical Vapour deposition(CVD), Synthesis of carbon
nano-fibres and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Molecular beam
Epitaxy, Sol-Gel Technique (No chemistry required), Synthesis of nanowires/rods, Electro
deposition, Chemical bath deposition, Ion beam deposition system, Vapor-Liquid –Solid
(VLS) method of nanowire

Unit -3 (18 Lectures, Marks 24)
Methods of Measuring Properties and Characterization techniques:

Microscopy: Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Field
Ion Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy
(TEM) including energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, low energy electron diffraction
(LEED), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED)
Spectroscopy: Infra-red and Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Spectroscopy, Magnetic
resonance, Optical and Vibrational Spectroscopy
Characterization and application like biopolymer tagging and light emitting semiconductor
quantum dots

Unit- 4 (10 Lectures, Marks 12)

Carbon nanotubes, nano cuboids, graphene, carbon quantum dots: Fabrication, structure.
electrical, mechanical, and vibrational properties and applications. Use of nano particles for
biological application, drug delivery and bio-imaging, Impact of nanotechnology on the

Suggested Books:

1. Nanoscale Science and Technology, Robert W. Kelsall, Ian W. Hamley and Mark
Geoghegan, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., UK, 2005.
2. Nanomaterials: synthesis, properties and applications, Institute of Physics, 1998.
3. Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P. Poole Jr and Frank J. Owens, Wiley
Interscience, 2003.
4. Electron Microscopy and analysis, 2nd ed. Taylor and Francis, 2000.
5. Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Edited by Yong Zhou, Nova
6. Quantum dot heterostructures, Wiley, 1999.
7. Modern magnetic materials: principles and applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
8. Nano: The Essentials: Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotecnology, T.Pradeep,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
9. Nanobiotechnology, concepts, applications and perspectives, Wiley-VCH, 2004.

Nanoelectronics Lab
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. Synthesis of at least two different sizes of Nickel Oxide/ Copper Oxide/ Zinc Oxide
Nano Particles Using Sol-Gel Method
2. Polymer synthesis by suspension method / emulsion method
3. B-H loop of nanomaterials.
4. Magnetoresistance of thin films and nanocomposite, I-V characteristics and
transient response.
5. Particle size determination by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and XRD analysis of the
given XRD spectra
6. Determination of the particle size of the given materials using He-Ne LASER.
7. Selective area electron diffraction: Software based structural analysis based on TEM
based experimental data from published literature. (Note: Later experiment may be
performed in the lab based on availability of TEM facility).
8. Surface area and pore volume measurements of nanoparticles (a standard sample
and a new sample (if available)).
9. Spectroscopic characterization of metallic, semiconducting and insulating

Design and Fabrication of Printed Circuit Boards

Unit-I (8 Lectures, Marks 10)

PCB Fundamentals: PCB Advantages, components of PCB, Electronic components,
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, IC’s, Surface Mount Devices (SMD).
Classification of PCB - single, double, multilayer and flexible boards, Manufacturing of
PCB, PCB standards.

Unit-II (8 Lectures, Marks 10)

Schematic & Layout Design:
Schematic diagram, General, Mechanical and Electrical design considerations, Placing and
Mounting of components, Conductor spacing, routing guidelines, heat sinks and package
density, Net list, creating components for library, Tracks, Pads, Vias, power plane,

Unit-III (14 Lectures, Marks 20)
Technology OF PCB:

Design automation, Design Rule Checking; Exporting Drill and Gerber Files; Drills; Footprints
and Libraries Adding and Editing Pins, copper clad laminates materials of copper clad
laminates, properties of laminates (electrical & physical), types of laminates, soldering
techniques. Film master preparation, Image transfer, photo printing, Screen Printing, Plating
techniques etching techniques, Mechanical Machining operations, Lead cutting and Soldering
Techniques, Testing and quality controls.Trends, Environmental concerns in PCB industry.

Suggested Books:

1. Printed circuit Board – Design & Technology by Walter C. Bosshart, Tata McGraw
2. Printed Circuit Board –Design, Fabrication, Assembly & Testing, R.S. Khandpur,
TATA McGraw Hill Publisher 

Microprocessor and Microcontrollers

Unit-1 (16 Lectures, Marks 22)

Introduction to Microprocessor: Introduction, Applications, Basic block diagram, Speed, Word size, Memory
capacity, Classification of microprocessors (mention of different microprocessors being used)
Microprocessor 8085: Features, Architecture -block diagram, General purpose registers, register pairs, flags,
stack pointer, program counter, types of buses. Multiplexed address and data bus, generation of control signals, pin
description of microprocessor 8085. Basic interfacing concepts, Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.
8085 Instructions: Operation code, Operand & Mnemonics. Instruction set of 8085, instruction classification,
addressing modes, instruction format. Data transfer instructions, arithmetic instructions, increment & decrement
instructions, logical instructions, branch instructions and machine control instructions. Assembly language
programming examples.

Unit-2 (12 Lectures, Marks 16)

Stack operations, subroutine, call and return instructions. Delay loops, use of counters, timing diagrams-instruction
cycle, machine cycle, T- states, time delay.
Interrupt structure of 8085A microprocessor, processing of vectored and non-vectored interrupts, latency time and
response time; Handling multiple interrupts
Microcontrollers: Introduction, Different types of microcontroller, embedded microcontrollers, processor
architectures. Harvard vs. Princeton, CISC vs. RISC architectures, microcontroller memory types, microcontroller
features, clocking, I/O pins, interrupts, timers, peripherals,

Unit-3 (8 Lectures, Marks 10)

Introduction to 8051, 8051 family microcontroller, Core features, Architecture, pin diagram, memory organizationProgram and data memory organization, I/O Ports, oscillator module, Timer modules (Timer 0, Timer 1 and Timer
Unit-4 (16 Lectures, Marks 22)

PIC16F887 Microcontroller: Core features, Architecture, pin diagram, memory organization- Program and data
memory organization, I/O Ports, oscillator module, Timer modules (Timer 0, Timer 1 and Timer 2), comparator
module, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module, data EEPROM, Enhanced capture/compare/PWM module ,
EUSART, master synchronous serial port (MSSP) module, special features of the CPU, interrupts, addressing
modes, instruction set.

Unit-5 (8 Lectures, Marks 10)

Interfacing with PIC16F887 and 8051 family: LED, Switches, Solid State Relay, Seven Segment Display, 16x2
LCD display, 4x4 Matrix Keyboard, Digital to Analog Converter, Stepper Motor and DC Motor. Interfacing
program examples using C language.

Suggested Books:

1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085, Ramesh S.Gaonkar - Wiley
Eastern Limited- IV Edition.
2. Fundamentals of Microprocessor & Microcomputer: B. Ram—Danpat Rai Publications.
3. Microchip PIC16F87X datasheet
4. PIC Microcontrollers, Milan Verle, , mikro Elektronika, 1st edition (2008)
5. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”, Pearson, 2006

Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Lab
60 Lectures, Marks 40
8085 Assembly language programs:

1. Program to transfer a block of data.
2. Program for multibyte addition
3. Program for multibyte subtraction
4. Program to multiply two 8-bit numbers.
5. Program to divide a 16 bit number by 8 bit number.
6. Program to search a given number in a given list.
7. Program to generate terms of Fibonacci series.
8. Program to find minimum and maximum among N numbers
9. Program to find the square root of an integer.
10. Program to find GCD of two numbers.
11. Program to sort numbers in ascending/descending order.
12. Program to verify the truth table of logic gates.

PIC Microcontroller Programming
Note: Programs to be written using C programming language

1. LED blinking with a delay of 1 second.
2. Solid State Relay Interface
2. Interfacing of LCD (2X16).
3. Interfacing of stepper motor and Rotating stepper motor by N steps clockwise/anticlockwise
with speed control.
4. To test all the gates of a given IC74XX is good or bad.
5. Generate sine, square, saw tooth, triangular and staircase waveform using DAC interface.
6. Display of 4- digit decimal number using the multiplexed 7-segment display interface.
7. Analog to digital conversion using internal ADC and display the result on LCD.
8. Implementation of DC-Volt meter (0-5V) using internal ADC and LCD
9. Digital to analog conversion using PWM (pulse delay to be implemented using timers).
10. Speed control of DC motor using PWM (pulse delay to be implemented using timers).
11. Interfacing of matrix keyboard (4X4).
12. Serial communication between microcontroller and PC. 

R Programming

The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce R programming language
 Discuss different features of R programming language
 Describe how to write R programming language

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Write R scripts in R studio
 Apply R program in real life example
 Perform Simulation using R Program

Unit I: 15L
Introduction: Overview and History of R, Getting Help, Data Types, Subsetting, Vectorized
Operations, Reading and Writing Data.

Unit II: 15L
Control Structures, Functions, lapply, tapply, split, mapply, apply, Coding Standards.

Unit III: 10L
Scoping Rules, Debugging Tools, Simulation, R Profiler.

Unit IV: 20L
Statistical Data analysis: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Probability distributions,
Correlation and regression etc.

Books Recommended:
1. W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith, An Introduction to R, R-core team,2015
Computer Lab Based on R Programming:
 Introduction and basic structure
 Data types, Variable declarations
 Looping and Branching
 Sorting of Data
 Data Analysis in R

Computer Networks


The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce Data Communications and Computer Networks.
 Enable students to design and deployment of networks.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Describe various concepts of data communication and computer networks.
 Illustrate the Layers of ISO/OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
 Design , install and deploy networks

Unit I: 16L
Basic concepts : Components of data communication, standards and organizations, Network
Classification, Network Topologies ; network protocol; layered network architecture; overview of
OSI reference model; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite.

Unit II: 6L
Physical Layer: Cabling, Network Interface Card, Transmission Media Devices- Repeater, Hub,
Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateway.

Unit III: 8L
Data Link Layer: Framing techniques; Error Control; Flow Control Protocols; Shared media
protocols - CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA.

Unit IV: 8L
Network Layer : Virtual Circuits and Datagram approach, IP addressing methods – Subnetting;
Routing Algorithms (adaptive and non-adaptive

Unit V: 6L
Transport Layer: Transport services, Transport Layer protocol of TCP and UDP

Unit VI: 10L
Application Layer: Application layer protocols and services – Domain name system, HTTP,
WWW, telnet, FTP, SMTP.

Unit VII: 6L
Network Security : Common Terms, Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks

Books Recommended:

1. B.A. Forouzan: Data Communication and Networking, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. D.E. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. I, Prentice Hall of India, 1998.
3. W. Stalling, Data & Computer Communication, 8th edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
4. D. Bertsekas, R. Gallager, Data Networks, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1992.

Computer Lab Based on Computer Networks:

 LAN setup
 Network Configuration and Settings
 Network Management

Paper II Oral History

Oral history is a dominant field of history writings for knowledge and information. The
purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theories, methods and ethics of oral
history and its significance to the historical literature. It will help students in better
understanding of the tools available for history writing beyond static sources

Unit-1 1.03 Definitions of Oral history-Meaning of Key Concepts
1.04 Scope-Significance of Oral history, Objectivity and Oral Sources

Unit-2 2.01 Collecting and Preserving memoirs and Oral history
2.02 Facts versus Truth-Errors in Oral history
2.03 Listening –Ethics and responsibilities

Unit-3 3.01 Myths
3.02 Folklore
3.03 Gender and Oral history

Unit-4 4.01 Interviewing techniques
4.02 Interpreting memories
4.03 Transcribing and Oral history

Suggested References:
Baum, W.K. Transcribing and Editing Oral History
Hoopes,James Oral History: An Introduction for Students
McMahan, E.V. & Rogers, K.L. (eds) Interactive Oral History: Interviewing
Perks R & Thomson, A. The Oral History Reader
Riitchie D.A., Doing Oral History A Practical Guide

Paper III Tourism in Assam

Tourism industry has occupied an important place in the globalised world economy. In Indian
Context, Assam has great potentiality for tourism due to its geographical and ethnological

Unit-1 Tourism: An Introduction
1.01: Tourism – Concept, meaning and significance.
1.02: Types of Tourism-Historical Tourism- Ethnic
 Tourism, Pilgrimage Tourism, Adventure and Sports
 Tourism, Wildlife Tourism, Nature Tourism etc
1.03: Assam- Land and People, Flora and Fauna,
 Mountains, Hills, Rivers and Wetlands

Unit-2 Tourism in Assam
2.01: Archaeological and Religious remains of Suryya
 Pahar, Goalpara, Madan Kamdev, Ambari
 Excavations, Tezpur Remains, Da parvatia,
 Bamunipahar, Deopahar, Malinithan, Remains of
 Daiyang Dhansiri Valley , Kamakhya Temple,
 Maibong, Khashpur, Kasomari, Hayagriva Madhva
 Temple, Poa Mecca
2.02: Ahom Art and Architecture : Charaideo, Gargaon,
 Rangpur, Tezpur and Guwahati

Unit-3 Fairs and Festivals3.01: Ambubachi Mela, Shiva Ratri, Joonbil Mela, Ras celebrations in
Majuli, Doul Yatra at Barpeta
3.02: Bihu, Ali Aye Lrigang, Mopin festival, Tai-Buddhist Festivals in

Unit-4 Tourism and Wildlife
4.01 : History of wildlife Conservation in Assam
4.02 : Wildlife Sanctuaries in Assam

Suggested Readings:

Barua, B.K. : Assamar Loka Sanskriti
Bora, S, & M. C. Bora : The Story of Tourism: An Enchanting Journey through India’s
 North East
––––––––––, : Paryatanar Ruprekha: Uttar Purbanchalar Itihas Aru
Sanskritir Patabhumi
Bezbarua, M : Tourism in North East India
Bala, Usha : Tourism in India Policy and Perspectives
Basham, A.L. : Wonder that was India
Bhatia, A. K. : Tourism in India.
: International Tourism: fundamentals & Practices.
Choudhuri, P.C. : The History of Civilization of the People of Assam
Gogoi, P & D. Nath : Paryatan – lyar Bikash
I.T.D.C. : All Publications.
Neog, H & Gogoi, L. : Asamiya Sanskriti.
Madik, B. : Tourism: Past, Present and Future
Neog, M. : Pabitra Assam
Nath, R.M. : Background of Assam Culture

Paper VI Women in Indian History

Objective :
This course intends to acquaint the students with the Feminist Movements and
Women’s History, Gender, Patriarchy and Sexual Division of Labour, Oral Narratives,
Memoirs, Diaries, Autobiographies etc, Women In Ancient Indian Society and Medieval
India, Social Customs and Reform Movements in 19th century India, Sarda Act, 1929 and
Hindu Women’s Right to Property Act, 1937, Women in Indian Freedom Struggle : PreGandhian Phase in India and North-East India

Unit-1 1.01 : Definition and Scope, Feminist Movements and Development
of Women’s History
1.02 : Key Concepts in Women’s Studies – Gender, Patriarchy and
Sexual Division of Labour
1.03 : Sources for Reconstruction of Women’s History – Oral
Narratives, Memoirs, Diaries, Autobiographies etc.

Unit-2 2.01 : Women In Ancient Indian Society : Vedic
2.02 : Status of Women In Buddhism
2.03 : Changing Status of Women in the Subsequent
2.04 : Women in Medieval India

Unit-3 3.01 : Social Customs and Reform Movements in 19th century India :
Sati, Widow Remarriage, Female Infanticide : Role of Brahmo
Samaj, Arya Samaj , Prarthna Samaj and Aligarh Movement
3.02 : Jyotiba Phule, Pandita Ramabai and Begum
 Rukia Sakhawat Hussain
3.03 : Development of Women’s’ Education in 19th and 20th Century :
Role of Social Reformers and Missionaries
3.04 : Sarda Act, 1929 and Hindu Women’s Right to
 Property Act, 1937

Unit-4 4.01 : Development of Women’s Organization : Women’s
Conference, 1910 and National Council of Women in India
4.02 : Demand for Women’s Franchise
4.03 : Women in Indian Freedom Struggle : Pre-
 Gandhian Phase
4.04 : Women in Freedom Struggle : Gandhian Phase
4.05 : Women in Revolutionary Movement

Unit-5 5.01 : Women, Society and Patriarchy in Medieval
5.02 : Social Reform Movement in 19th and 20th
5.03 : Development of Women’s Organization in
5.04 : Women in Freedom Struggle in North East

Suggested Readings:

Altekar, A.S : The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
Chakravarti, Uma : Re-writing History: the Life and Times of Pandita
Desai Neera & Usha Thakkaar (eds) : Women in Indian Society.
Forbes, Geraldine : Women in Modern India
Kumar, Radha : The History of Doing
Krishnamurthy, J (ed) : Women in Colonial India
Lerner, Gerda : The Creation of Patriarchy
Majumdar, V. : Studies on the Political Status of Women in India
Mukherjee, P. : Hindu Women Normative Models
Nair, Janaki : Women and Law in Colonial India
Roy, KumKum. (ed). : Women in Early Indian Societies
Sangari Kumkum & Sudesh Vaid
(ed). : Recasting Women Essays in Colonial History
Sharma, D : The Role of the Assamese Women in the Freedom
Swarup Hemlata, Bisaria Sarojini : Women, Politics and Religion.
Thorner, Alice& M. Krishnaraj : Ideal, Images and Real lives, essays on
women, history and literature
Walters, Margaret : Feminism, A Very Short Introduction. 

Paper V Environmental History

This course intends to acquaint the students with the new discipline of ecological and
environmental history. It intends to familiarize them with the relation between ecology and
human civilization with particular reference to post independence India. It also attempts to
bring the pupils to the understanding of the social and economic conflicts emerging due to
environmental factors.

Unit-1 1.01 : Emergence of Environmental History as a
 Branch of History
1.02 : Mode of Resource Utilization: Gathering, Nomadic,
Pastoralism, Agricultural Mode and Industrial Mode;
Resource Use Patterns in Indian History
1.03 : Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem and
 Population Interaction
1.04 : Geographical Background of the Indian

Unit-2 2.01 : Community interaction with the
 Environment in the Early period in India,
 Indus Valley Civilization and its decline:
 Environmental factors
2.02 : Use of iron implements; Agricultural Expansion and
Deforestation in the Gangetic Valley
2.03 : Expansion of Agricultural in Early Medieval and Medieval
India, Technological changes and Agricultural productions in
Medieval period, Forest and the pastoral communities in the
Medieval period
2.04 : Water as a Resource in Ancient and
 Medieval India

Unit-3 3.01 : British Forest Policy in India: Impact of
 European Forestry Tradition
3.02 : Making of British Forest Policy, British
 Forest Policies up to 1947
3.03 : Forest Legislations : Forest Acts of 1878
 and 1927
3.04 : Impact of British Forest Policy:
 Deforestation and Ecological change in
3.05 : Commercial Exploitation of Forest
 Products; Impact of Railway Construction
on Forestry

Unit-4 4.01 : Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru’s view on
4.02 : Conservation Policies in Post independence
 Period; Social Forestry
4.03 : Environmental movements: Chipko Movement, Narmada
Bachao Andolan and other Environmental Movements
4.04 : Dams and Mines: Problems of displacement, Loss of
Livelihood and Problems of Rehabilitation

Unit-5 5.01 : People’s Movements and Resistance against the
 Colonial Forest Policies
5.02 : British Forest Policies in North- East India; Environmental
and Socio-Economic Consequences of Colonial Forest
Policies; Plantation Economy and Forestry
5.03 : Flood and Soil Erosion in the Brahmaputra
5.04 : History of Conservation Strategies in North
 East India
5.05 : Hill area and Shifting Cultivation, Problems of
 Shifting Cultivation

Suggested Reading:

Agarwal, D.P : Man and Environment in India through the Ages
Arnold, D and R. Guha : Nature, Culture, Imperialism: Essays on the Environmental
History of South Asia
Bhattacharya, D.K. : Ecology and Social Formation in Ancient History
Cederlof, Gunnel and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds.) : Ecological Nationalisms
Chakrabarti, Ranjan, (ed.) : Situating Environmental History
: Does Environmental History Matter? Shikar, Subsistence and
the Sciences
Dhavalikar, M.K. : Environment and Culture: A Historical Perspective
Gadgil, M and R. Guha : The Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India
Gadgil, M and R. Guha : Ecology and Equity
Gadgil, M and R. Guha : Use and Abuse of Nature
Grone, R. Damodaran, V. and S. Sangwar : Nature and the Orient : The Environmental
History of South and South-East Asia
Guha, Sumit, : Environment and Ethnicity in India 1200-1991
Guha, A. : Medieval and Early Colonial Assam: Society, polity Economy
Guha, R. : The Unquiet woods, Ecological Change and Peasants Resistance in the Himalaya
: Environmentalism A Global History
Handique, R. : British Forest Policy in Assam
Martinez-Alies, J and Guha R. : Varieties of Environmentalism: Essays North and
Pathak, Akhileswar : Law, Strategies, Ideologies: Legislating Forests in Colonial
Rahman, A., : History of Indian Science, Technology and Culture. A.D
Skaria, Ajay. : Hybrid Histories: Forest, Frontiers and Wildness in Western

Signals and Systems

Unit-1 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

Signals and Systems: Continuous and discrete time signals, Transformation of the independent variable,
Exponential and sinusoidal signals, Impulse and unit step functions, Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time
Systems, Basic System Properties.

Unit-2 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Linear Time -Invariant Systems (LTI): Discrete time LTI systems, the Convolution Sum, Continuous time
LTI systems, the Convolution integral. Properties of LTI systems, Commutative, Distributive, Associative.
LTI systems with and without memory, Invariability, Causality, Stability, Unit Step response. Differential and
Difference equation formulation, Block diagram representation of first order systems.

Unit-3 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals: Continuous-Time periodic signals, Convergence of the
Fourier series, Properties of continuous-Time Fourier series, Discrete-Time periodic signals, Properties of
Discrete-Time Fourier series. Frequency-Selective filters, Simple RC highpass and lowpass filters
Fourier Transform: Aperiodic signals, Periodic signals, Properties of Continuous-time Fourier
transform, Convolution and Multiplication Properties, Properties of Fourier transform and basic Fourier
transform Pairs.

Unit-4 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Laplace Transform: Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Properties of the Laplace Transform,
Laplace Transform Pairs, Laplace Transform for signals, Laplace Transform Methods in Circuit Analysis,
Impulse and Step response of RL, RC and RLC circuits.

Suggested Books:

1. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Wilsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education (2007)
2. S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signal and Systems, John Wiley & Sons (2004)
3. C. Alexander and M. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits , McGraw Hill (2008)
4. H. P. Hsu, Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill (2007)
5. S. T. Karris, Signal and Systems: with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modelling, Orchard
Publications (2008)
6. W. Y. Young, Signals and Systems with MATLAB, Springer (2009)
7. M. Roberts, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill (2007)

Signals and Systems Lab (Scilab/MATLAB/ Other Mathematical Simulation software)
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. Generation of Signals: continuous time
2. Generation of Signals: discrete time
3. Time shifting and time scaling of signals.
4. Convolution of Signals
5. Solution of Difference equations.
6. Fourier series representation of continuous time signals.
7. Fourier transform of continuous time signals.
8. Laplace transform of continuous time signals.
9. Introduction to Xcos/similar function and calculation of output of systems represented by block

HISTORY OF INDIA III (c. 750 -1206)

Course Objective:

(i) The students will acquire knowledge about the sources for the reconstruction
of early medieval Indian history
(ii) Information regarding political structure and social and religious institutions
(iii) The agrarian structure and social change of the period under study
(iv) Trade and commerce, guilds and process of urbanization

Unit-1 Studying Early Medieval India:
Historical Geography Sources: Texts, Epigraphic and Numismatic Data Debates on Indian
Feudalism, rise of the Rajputs and the nature of the State

Unit-2 Political Structures:
a) Evolution of political structures: Rashtrakutas, Palas, Pratiharas, Rajputs and Cholas
(b) Legitimization of kingship; Brahmanas and Temples; Royal Genealogies and Rituals
(c) Arab conquest of Sindh: nature and impact of the new set-up; Ismaili dawah
(d) Causes and consequences of early Turkish invasions: Mahmud of Ghazna; Shahab-ud-Din
of Ghaur

Unit-3 Agrarian Structure and Social Change:
a) Agricultural expansion; crops
(b) Landlords and Peasants
(c) Proliferation of Castes; status of Untouchables
(d) Tribes as Peasants and their place in the Varna order

Unit-4 Trade and Commerce:
(a) Inter-regional Trade
(b) Maritime Trade
(c) Forms of Exchange
(d) Process of Urbanization
(e) Merchant guilds of South India

Unit-5 Religious and Cultural Developments:
(a) Bhakti, Tantrism, Puranic traditions; Buddhism and Jainism; Popular religious cults
(b) Islamic intellectual traditions: Al-Biruni; Al-Hujwiri
(c) Regional Languages and Literature
(d) Art and Architecture: Evolution of Regional Styles

Recommended Readings:

R.S. Sharma, Indian Feudalism (circa 300 - 1200).
B.D. Chattopadhyaya, The Making of Early Medieval India.
R.S. Sharma and K.M. Shrimali, eds, Comprehensive History of India, Vol. IV (A & B).
Mohammad Habib and K.A. Nizami, eds, Comprehensive History of
India, Vol. V, The Delhi Sultanate
Hermann Kulke, ed., The State in India (AD 1000 - AD 1700).
N. Karashima, South Indian History and Society (Studies from Inscriptions, AD 850 -1800
Derryl N. Maclean, Religion and Society in Arab Sindh.
Irfan Habib, Medieval India: The Study of a Civilization.
Richard Davis Lives of Indian Images.
Romila Thapar, Somanatha: The Many Voices of a History.
John S. Deyell, Living Without Silver: The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India.
Vijaya Ramaswamy, Walking Naked: Women, Society, and Spirituality in South India.
Burton Stein, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India.
R. Champakalakshmi, Trade, Ideology and Urbanization: South India, 300 BC to 1300 AD.
Al. Beruni’s India, NBT edition.
Ali Hujwiri, Kashful Mahjoob, tr. R.Nicholson.
S C Mishra, Rise of Muslim Communities in Gujarat.

Operating Systems

The course is designed with an objective to
 Discuss and explain the basic concepts of Operating System, process management,
memory management, file management, Input / Output management and the potential
problem of deadlocks.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Describe the general architecture of computers,
 Describe, contrast and compare differing structures for operating systems,
 Analyze theory of processes, resource control (concurrency etc.), physical and virtual
memory, scheduling, I/O and files
 Implementing shell programming

Unit I: 2L
Introduction: System Software, Resource Abstraction, OS strategies.

Unit II: 2L
Types of operating systems - Multiprogramming, Batch, Time Sharing, Single user and
Multiuser, Process Control & Real Time Systems.

Unit III: 10L
Operating System Organization: Factors in operating system design, basic OS functions,
implementation consideration; process modes, methods of requesting system services – system
calls and system programs.

Unit IV: 15L
Process Management : System view of the process and resources, initiating the OS, process
address space, process abstraction, resource abstraction, process hierarchy, Thread model

Unit V: 12L
Scheduling: Scheduling Mechanisms, Strategy selection, non-pre-emptive and pre-emptive

Unit VI: 12L
Memory Management: Mapping address space to memory space, memory allocation strategies,
fixed partition, variable partition, paging, virtual memory

Unit VII: 7L
Shell introduction and Shell Scripting

Books Recommended:

1. A Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating Systems Concepts, 8th Edition, John
Wiley Publications 2008.
2. A.S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education 2007.
3. G. Nutt, Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, 2nd Edition Pearson Education
4. W. Stallings, Operating Systems, Internals & Design Principles, 5th Edition, Prentice
Hall of India. 2008.
5. M. Milenkovic, Operating Systems- Concepts and design, Tata McGraw Hill 1992.

Computer Lab Based on Operating Systems:

 Introduction to Linux
 File systems
 Simple Linux commands
 Shell programming
 Programming on process management


The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the major developments in
European politico-economic scenario since the Renaissance till the end of the French

Unit-1 1.01 : Renaissance- meaning -background-impacts
1.02 : Reformation- origin, courses and
 consequences; Counter Reformation
1.03 : The Thirty Years War- causes and

Unit-2 2.01 : Colonial Expansion in the 15th
–16th centuries –
 Causes, Extent and Implication
2.02 : Commercial Revolution in Europe
2.03 : Absolute monarchy in Europe- Spain, France,
 England and Russia
2.04 : The Glorious Revolution –Background and

Unit-3 3.01 : The Scientific Revolution in the 16th
 centuries - extent, nature and results
3.02 : Mercantilism and European Economy during
 17th and 18th Centuries
3.03 : American War of Independence- political and Economic Issues and

Unit-4 4.01 : Enlightenment in Europe – its Impact
4.02 : Enlightened Despotism in Europe – Russia,
 Prussia and Austria
4.03 : The Industrial Revolution in Europe- causes and
4.04 : Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

Unit-5 5.01 : The French Revolution- Causes, Courses and
5.02 : Napoleon Bonaparte- internal and external polices- downfall of
Napoleon Bonaparte
5.03 : The Congress of Vienna and Europe in 1815.

Suggested Readings:
Anderson, M.S. : Europe in the Eighteenth Century
Anderson, Perry : The Lineage’s of the Absolutist States
Cameron, Euan (ed.) : Early Modern Europe An Oxford History
Cipola, Carlo M. : Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. II & III
De Vrics, Jan : Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis 1600-1750.
Elton, G.R. : Reformation Europe, 1517-1559.
Hale, J.R. : Renaissance Europe
Hill, Christopher : A Century of Revolutions
Koenigsberger, H.G and G.L. Mosse : Europe in the Sixteenth Century
Lee, Stephen J. : Aspects of European History, 1494-1789
Mathias, Peter : First Industrial Revolutions
Pennington, D.H.: Seventeenth Century Europe
Phukan, Meenakshi : Rise of the Modern West: Social and Economic History of Early
Modern Europe. 


Course Objective: The students will be acquainted with

(I) The transition from feudalism to capitalism
(II) The voyages to the new world, the Renaissance
(III) The Religious Reformation
(IV) The 16th century Economic Developments
(V) The emergence of European state system

Unit-1 Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism:
Problems and Theories,
Early Colonial Expansion: motives, Voyages and Explorations; the Conquests of the
Americas: beginning of the era of Colonization; Mining and Plantation; the African

Unit-2 Renaissance:
its Social Roots, City-states of Italy; spread of Humanism in Europe; Art.

Unit-3 Origins, course and results of the European Reformation in the 16th century

Unit-4 Economic developments of the sixteenth century:
Shift of economic balance from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic; Commercial
Revolution; Influx of American Silver and the Price Revolution.

Unit-5 Emergence of European State System:
Spain; France; England; Russia.

Recommended Readings:

T.S. Aston and C. H. E. Philpin (eds.), The Brenner Debate
H. Butterfield, The Origins of Modern Science.
Carlo M. Cipolla, Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vols. II and
III. Carlo M. Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution, European
Society and Economy. 1000 -1700. 3rd ed. (1993)
D. C. Coleman (ed.), Revisions in Mercantilism.
Ralph Davis, The Rise of the Atlantic Economics.
Maurice Dobb, Studies in the Development of Capitalism.
J. R. Hale, Renaissance Europe.
R. Hall, From Galileo to Newton.
Christopher Hill, A Century of Revolutions.
Rodney Hilton, Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism.
H. G. Koenigsberger and G. L. Mosse, Europe in the Sixteenth Century.
Stephen J. Lee, Aspects of European History, 1494 - 1789.
G. Parker, Europe in Crisis. 1598- 1648.
G. Parker and L. M. Smith, General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century.
J. H. Parry, The Age of Reconnaissance.
Meenaxi Phukan, Rise of the Modern West: Social and Economic
History of Early Modern Europe.
V. Poliensiky, War and Society in Europe, 1618 - 48.
Theodore K. Rabb, The Struggle for Stability in Early Modern Europe.
V. Scammell, The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion, 1400 - 1715.
Jan de Vries, Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis 1600-1750.
M. S. Anderson, Europe in the Eighteenth Century.
Perry Anderson, The Lineages of the Absolutist State.
Stuart Andrews, Eighteenth Century Europe.
B. H. Slicher von Bath, The Agrarian History of Western Europe. AD. 500 - 1850.
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Vol. I - VI.
James B. Collins, The State in Early Modern France: New
Approaches to European History.
G. R. Elton, Reformation Europe, 1517-1559.
M. P. Gilmore, The World of Humanism. 1453 -1517.
Peter Kriedte, Peasants, Landlords and Merchant Capitalists.
J. Lynch, Spain under the Hapsburgs.
Peter Mathias, First Industrial revolution.
Harry Miskimin, The Economy of Later Renaissance Europe: 1460-1600.
Charles A. Nauert, Humanism and the Culture of the Renaissance
The New Cambridge Modern History of Europe, Vols. I -VII.
L. W. Owie, Seventeenth Century Europe.
D. H. Pennington, Seventeenth Century Europe.
F. Rice, The Foundations of Early Modern Europe.

XML Programming

The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce programming in XML
 Enhance programming skills as a developer with competitive advantage in the market of
web services

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Design , implement and develop smart web services
 Enhance programming skills which is highly in demand

Unit I: 2L
Overview of XML: Introduction to XML and its goals, XML fundamentals, understanding of
Markup language, structure of XML Data, characteristics of XML, Introduction to XML tools

Unit II: 4L
Quality Control with XML Document Schema: Basic Concepts, Document Type Declaration
(DTD), namespaces, introduction to XML schema, XML Tree structure, Data Object Model
(DOM), Programming Models, and XML database.

Unit III: 3L
Advance XML Concepts: Scripting XML, XML as Data, Linking with XML, Introduction to
Encoding, character encodings, encoding types (UTF-8, UTF-16), text declarations, character
sets, validation

Unit IV: 4L
XML with Style: Stylesheets basics , XML on the Web, XSL Basics, Rule Matching, Properties
and examples, Querying and Transformation, XPath and XPointer, Nodes and trees, finding
nodes, XPath, XPath expressions, XPointer, XLinks, XInclude, XSL style sheets, XQuery,
transformation with XSLT.

Unit V: 2L
Application Program Interfaces to XML: Storage of XML data, relational databases, tree
representation, XML applications.

Books Recommended:
1. William J. Pardi , “XML in action web technology”, Microsoft Press, 1999
2. Michael J. Young , “Step by Step XML” , Microsoft Press, 2002
3. Elliotte Harold, W. Means “XML in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick Reference”, 3rd Edition,
O’Reilly Media, June 2009
4. Erik Ray, “Learning XML, Creating Self-Describing Data”, 2nd Edition, O’Reilly Media,
June 2009

Computer Lab Based on XML Programming:
 XML Basics
 DTD Basics
 Reading Configuration Files
 XML Schemas
 XSLT Functions
 XML Namespaces
 Introduction to XML programming using Java

Software Testing Concepts

The course is designed with an objective to
 Explain different concepts related to software testing
 Explain different method of testing a software product

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Apply different testing methods to software to find any software defects
 And to prevent these defects

Unit I: 4L
Introduction: Strategic Approach to Software testing, Test Strategies for Conventional
Software, Validation Testing, System Testing, Basic Terminologies, V Shaped Life Cycle Model

Unit II: 5L
Functional Testing/Black Box Testing: Boundary value analysis, Equivalence Class testing,
Decision Table Based Testing

Unit III: 6L
Structural Testing / White Box Testing: Basic Path Testing: Program Graph, DD path Graph,
Cyclomatic Complexity, Graph Matrices, Control Flow Testing: Statement Coverage, Branch
Coverage, Condition Coverage, Path Coverage.

Books Recommended:
1. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A practitioner’s Approach, Seventh Edition,
Mc. Grow Hill Edition, 2009
2. Yogesh Singh, Software Testing, Cambridge University Press, 2011
3. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice-Hall India
4. R.E. Fairley, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw-Hill

Computer Lab Based on Software Testing Concepts:

 Boundary Value Analysis
 Equivalence Class Partitioning
 Decision Table Testing
 Basic Path Testing.
 Use of code coverage tool
 Use of load testing tool

Computer System Architecture

The course is designed with an objective to.
 Describe the basic structure and operation of a digital computer.
 Describe the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Describe different components of computer.
 Identify high performance architecture design.
 Develop independent learning skills and be able to illustrate more about different
computer architectures and hardware.
 Create an assembly language program to program a microprocessor system.

Unit I: 18L
Introduction: Logic gates, Boolean algebra, combinational circuits, circuit simplification, flip-flops
and sequential circuits, decoders, multiplexors, registers, counters and memory units.
Data representation.

Unit II: 18L
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Computer registers, bus system, instruction set, timing
and control, instruction cycle, memory reference, input-output and interrupt.

Unit III: 10L
Central Processing Unit: Register organization, arithmetic and logical micro-operations, stack
organization, micro programmed control.

Unit IV: 10L
Programming the Basic Computer: Instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction codes,
machine language, assembly language, input output programming.

Unit V: 4L
Input-output Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, Modes of data transfer, direct
memory access.

Books Recommended:

1. M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, Pearson Education 1992.
2. A. J. Dos Reis, Assembly Language and Computer Architecture using C++ and JAVA,
Course Technology, 2004
3. W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance, 8th
Edition, Prentice Hall of India ,2009
4. Digital Design, M.M. Mano, Pearson Education Asia, 1979

Computer Lab Based on Computer System Architecture:

Write Assembly language programming of 8085
 Using arithmetic and logical instructions
 Memory related operations
 Data transfer operations

Paper III Social and Economic History of Assam

The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with
(i) The development of Caste, Social Classes and Occupational Groups in Ancient
 Assam, the religion Beliefs and Practice,
(ii) Land grant,Trade, Society, the Neo-Vaishnavite Movement Patriarchy, Satra
(iii)Agriculture and Trade in Medieval Assam, the Growth of Modern Education and role
of the Missionaries, Middle Class, Agriculture, Tea Industry and Transport
System in Colonial Assam.

Unit-1 Social and Economic History of Ancient Assam
1.01 : Development of Caste System in Ancient Assam, Social Classes
and Occupational Groups
1.02 : Religious Beliefs and Practices in Ancient Assam : Vaishnavism,
Saivism, Shaktism and Buddhism
1.03 : Land System and Ownership of Land; Land
 Grant and Agrahara Settlements
1.04 : Development of Agriculture
1.05 : Trade and Medium of Exchange

Unit-2 Society in Medieval Assam
2.01 : Social Structure in the Brahmaputra Valley –
 Caste System
2.02 : Social Organisation –Caste-Class Relationship,
 Nobility, Paiks, Slaves and Servants
2.03 : Neo-Vaishnavite Movement in Assam – Impact
 on Society
2.04 : Development of Satra Institutions
2.05 : Patriarchy, Women and Society in Medieval Assam

Unit-3 Economy in Medieval Assam
3.01 : Agriculture and Land System – Classification
 and Ownership of Land
3.02 : Land Revenue and other Taxes
3.03 : Trade and Commerce – Export and Import, Trade routes and
Means of Transport
3.04 : Medium of Trade – Coinage and Barter System
3.05 : Economic Relation between the Hills and

Unit-4 Society in Colonial Assam
4.01 : Growth of Modern Education and role of the
 Christian Missionaries
4.02 : Language Controversy in 19th century Assam
4.03 : Emergence of Middle Class, Issues relating to
4.04 : Literary and Cultural Development - Impact of
 the Bengal Renaissance
4.05 : Development of Press and Growth of Public Associations – The
Assam Sahitya Sabha.

Unit-5 Economy in Colonial Assam
5.01 : Agriculture; Colonial Land Regulations and
 Revenue System
5.02 : Plantation Economy- Growth of Tea Industry
5.03 : Development of Modern Industries - Coal and
5.04 : Development of Transport System

Suggested Readings:

Barpujari, H.K.: (ed) : The Comprehensive History of Assam, Vol. I, 111. IV & V.
Boruah, Nirode : Early Assam, State Formation, Political Centres Cultural
Rhodes, N. and S. K. Bose : The Coinage of Assam, Vol. I &.II
Baruah, S.L. : A Comprehensive History of Assam.
Choudhury, P.C. : History of Civilization of the People of Assam to the Twelfth
Gait, E.A. : A History of Assam.
Guha, Amalendu : Medieval and Early Colonial Assam.
Goswami, Priyam : Assam in the Nineteenth Century: Industrialization and Colonial
Guha, Amalendu : Planters Raj to Swaraj, Freedom Struggle and Electoral Politics in Assam
Medhi, S. B : Transport System and Economic Development in Assam.
Saikia, Rajen : Social and Economic History of Assam (1853- 1921).
Sharma, Monorama : Social and Economic Change in Assam: Middle Class Hegemony


Unit-1 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

DC and AC indicating Instruments: Accuracy and precision, Types of errors, PMMC
galvanometer, sensitivity, Loading effect , Conversion of Galvanometer into ammeter,
Voltmeter and Shunt type ohmmeter, Multimeter.

Unit- 2 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Oscilloscopes: CRT, wave form display and electrostatic focusing, time base and sweep
synchronisation, measurement of voltage, frequency and phase by CRO, Oscilloscope
probes, Dual trace oscilloscope, Sampling Oscilloscope, DSO and Powerscope: Block
diagram, principle and working, Advantages and applications, CRO specifications
(bandwidth, sensitivity, rise time).
Signal Generators: Audio oscillator, Pulse Generator, Function generators.

Unit - 3 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

Transducers: Basic requirements of transducers, Transducers for measurement of nonelectrical quantities: Types and their principle of working , measurement of Linear
displacement, Acceleration, Flow rate, Liquid level, strain, Force, Pressure, Temperature.

Unit - 4 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Data acquisition systems: Block diagram, brief description of preamplifier, signal
conditioner, instrumentation amplifier, waveform generator, A/D and D/A converter blocks,
computer controlled test and measurement system.
Bio-medical instrumentation: Bio-Amplifiers: Bio potentials - Bio-electricity - Necessity for
special types of amplifiers for biological signal amplifications - Different types of Bio-OP
- Amps. Electrodes for ECG, EEG, and EMG, block diagram of ECG and EEG systems,
brief analysis of graphs.

Suggested Books:

1. Electrical Measurement in Measuring Instruments. Goldwing E.W. and Widdies
2. Electrical and Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation Sahwany A.K.
3. Instrumentation devices and systems: Rangan, Sarma, Mani, TMH
4. Instrumentation measurement and analysis: Nakra B C, Chaudry K K, TMH
5. Handbook of biomedical instrumentation: Khandpur R S, TMH
6. Measurement systems applications and design: Doeblin E O, McGraw Hill, 1990.
7. Electron measurements and instrumentation techniques: Cooper W D and Helfric A
D, PHI, 1989.
8. Biomedical instrumentation and measurements: Leslie-Cromwell, Fred J Weibell,
Erich A Pfieffer, PHI, 1994.
9. Mechatronics – principles and applications, Godfrey C Onwubolu, Elsevier, 2006

Instrumentation Lab
60 Lectures , Marks 40

1. Design of multi range ammeter and voltmeter using galvanometer.
2. To determine the Characteristics of resistance transducer - Strain Gauge
(Measurement of Strain using half and full bridge.)
3. To determine the Characteristics of LVDT.
4. To determine the Characteristics of Thermistors and RTD.
5. Measurement of temperature by Thermocouples and study of transducers like
AD590 (two terminal temperature sensor), PT-100, J- type, K-type.
6. Characterization of bio potential amplifier for ECG signals.
7. Study on ECG simulator
8. Measurement of heart sound using electronic stethoscope. Study on ECG heart rate
monitor /simulator
9. Study of pulse rate monitor with alarm system
10. Measurement of respiration rate using thermister /other electrodes.

Paper II Oral History

Oral history is a dominant field of history writings for knowledge and information. The
purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theories, methods and ethics of oral
history and its significance to the historical literature. It will help students in better
understanding of the tools available for history writing beyond static sources.

Unit-1 1.01 Definitions of Oral history-Meaning of Key Concepts
1.02 Scope-Significance of Oral history, Objectivity and Oral Sources

Unit-2 2.01 Collecting and Preserving memoirs and Oral history
2.02 Facts versus Truth-Errors in Oral history
2.03 Listening –Ethics and responsibilities

Unit-3 3.01 Myths
3.02 Folklore
3.03 Gender and Oral history

Unit-4 3.01 Interviewing techniques
3.02 Interpreting memories
3.03 Transcribing and Oral history

Suggested References:
Baum, W.K. Transcribing and Editing Oral History
Hoopes,James Oral History: An Introduction for Students
McMahan, E.V. & Rogers, K.L. (eds) Interactive Oral History: Interviewing
Perks R & Thomson, A. The Oral History Reader
Riitchie D.A., Doing Oral History A Practical Guide

Operational Amplifiers and Applications

Unit-1 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

Basic Operational Amplifier: Concept of differential amplifiers (Dual input balanced and unbalanced
output), constant current bias, current mirror, cascaded differential amplifier stages with concept of level
translator, block diagram of an operational amplifier (IC 741)
Op-Amp parameters: input offset voltage, input offset current, input bias current, differential input
resistance, input capacitance, offset voltage adjustment range, input voltage range, common mode rejection
ratio, slew rate, supply voltage rejection ratio.

Unit-2 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)
Op-Amp Circuits: Open and closed loop configuration, Frequency response of an op-amp in open loop and
closed loop configurations, Inverting, Non-inverting, Summing and difference amplifier, Integrator,
Differentiator, Voltage to current converter, Current to voltage converter. Comparators: Basic comparator,
Level detector, Voltage limiters, Schmitt Trigger.
Signal generators: Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Square wave generator, triangle wave
generator, saw tooth wave generator, and Voltage controlled oscillator(IC 566).

Unit-3 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Multivibrators (IC 555): Block diagram, Astable and monostable multivibrator circuit, Applications of
Monostable and Astable multivibrators. Phase locked loops (PLL): Block diagram, phase detectors, IC565.
Fixed and variable IC regulators: IC 78xx and IC 79xx -concepts only, IC LM317- output voltage equation

Unit-4 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Signal Conditioning circuits: Sample and hold systems, Active filters: First order low pass and high pass
butterworth filter, Second order filters, Band pass filter, Band reject filter, All pass filter, Log and antilog

Suggested Books:

1. R. A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear IC’s, Pearson Education (2003)
2. R. F. Coughlin and F. F. Driscoll, Operational amplifiers and Linear Integrated circuits, Pearson
Education (2001)
3. J. Millman and C.C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill,(2001)
4. A.P.Malvino, Electronic Principals,6th Edition , Tata McGraw-Hill,(2003)
5. K.L.Kishore,OP-AMP and Linear Integrated Circuits, Pearson(2011)

Operational Amplifiers and Application Lab (Hardware and Circuit Simulation Software)
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. Study of op-amp characteristics: CMRR and Slew rate.
2. Designing of an amplifier of given gain for an inverting and non-inverting configuration using an opamp.
3. Designing of analog adder and subtractor circuit.
4. Designing of an integrator using op-amp for a given specification and study its frequency response.
5. Designing of a differentiator using op-amp for a given specification and study its frequency response.
6. Designing of a First Order Low-pass filter using op-amp.
7. Designing of a First Order High-pass filter using op-amp.
8. Designing of a RC Phase Shift Oscillator using op-amp.
9. Study of IC 555 as an astable multivibrator.
10. Study of IC 555 as monostable multivibrator.
11. Designing of Fixed voltage power supply using IC regulators using 78 series and 79 series 

C Programming and Data Structures

Unit- 1 (12 Lectures, Marks : 15)

C Programming Language: Introduction, Importance of C, Character set, Tokens, keywords, identifier,
constants, basic data types, variables: declaration & assigning values. Structure of C program
Arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, increment and decrement
operators, conditional operators, bit wise operators, expressions and evaluation of expressions, type cast
operator, implicit conversions, precedence of operators. Arrays-concepts, declaration, accessing elements,
storing elements, two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. Input output statement and library functions
(math and string related functions).

Unit-2 (20 Lectures, Marks : 25)

Decision making, branching & looping: Decision making, branching and looping: if, if-else, else-if, switch
statement, break, for loop, while loop and do loop. Functions: Defining functions, function arguments and
passing, returning values from functions.
Structures: defining and declaring a structure variables, accessing structure members, initializing a structure,
copying and comparing structure variables, array of structures, arrays within structures, structures within
structures, structures and functions. Pointers.
Introduction to C++: Object oriented programming, characteristics of an object-oriented language.

Unit-3 (14 Lectures, Marks : 20)

Data Structures: Definition of stack, array implementation of stack, conversion of infix expression to prefix,
postfix expressions, evaluation of postfix expression. Definition of Queue, Circular queues, Array
implementation of queues. Linked List and its implementation, Link list implementation of stack and queue,
Circular and doubly linked list.

Unit-4 (14 Lectures, Marks : 20)

Searching and sorting: Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort, linear Search, binary search.
Trees : Introduction to trees, Binary search tree, Insertion and searching in a BST, preorder, postorder and
inorder traversal (recursive)

Suggested Books:

1. Yashavant Kanetkar, Let Us C , BPB Publications
2. Programming in ANSI C, Balagurusamy, 2nd edition, TMH.
3. Byron S Gottfried, Programming with C , Schaum Series
4. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall
5. Yashavant Kanetkar, Pointers in C, BPB Publications
6. S. Sahni and E. Horowitz, “Data Structures”, Galgotia Publications
7. Tanenbaum: “Data Structures using C”, Pearson/PHI.
8. Ellis Horowitz and Sartaz Sahani “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Computer Science Press.

C Programming and Data Structures Lab

1. Generate the Fibonacci series up to the given limit N and also print the number of elements in the
2. Find minimum and maximum of N numbers.
3. Find the GCD of two integer numbers.
4. Calculate factorial of a given number.
5. Find all the roots of a quadratic equation Ax2
 + Bx + C = 0 for non – zero coefficients A, B and C.
Else report error.
6. Calculate the value of sin (x) and cos (x) using the series. Also print sin (x) and cos (x) value using
library function.
7. Generate and print prime numbers up to an integer N.
8. Sort given N numbers in ascending order.
9. Find the sum & difference of two matrices of order MxN and PxQ.
10. Find the product of two matrices of order MxN and PxQ.
11. Find the transpose of given MxN matrix.
12. Find the sum of principle and secondary diagonal elements of the given MxN matrix.
13. Calculate the subject wise and student wise totals and store them as a part of the structure.
14. Maintain an account of a customer using classes.
15. Implement linear and circular linked lists using single and double pointers.
16. Create a stack and perform Pop, Push, Traverse operations on the stack using Linear Linked list
17. Create circular linked list having information about a college and perform Insertion at front, Deletion
at end.
18. Create a Linear Queue using Linked List and implement different operations such as Insert, Delete,
and Display the queue elements.
19. Implement polynomial addition and subtraction using linked lists.
20. Implement sparse matrices using arrays and linked lists.
21. Create a Binary Tree to perform Tree traversals (Preorder, Postorder, Inorder) using the concept of
22. Implement binary search tree using linked lists. Compare its time complexity over that of linear
23. Implement Insertion sort, Merge sort, Bubble sort, Selection sort. 

Web Programming with PHP, MySQL

The course is designed with an objective to
 Understand basic PHP programming elements, variables, data types, operations,
functions and control structures.
 Use PHP for handling user input from web forms.
 Create a database and access data using MySQL.
 Use PHP to interface with a MySQL database via web forms.
 Create database driven web applications with PHP and MySQL

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Design web applications using PHP.
 Demonstrate the ability to use MySQL as a back end database for web applications.
 Design database driven web application with PHP and MySQL.

Unit I: 5L
Introduction to PHP: What is PHP, Basics of PHP, Benefits Of Using PHP MYSQL, Server
Client Environment, Web Browse Web Server Installation & Configuration.

Unit II: 10L
Development Concept: How PHP Script Work, PHP Syntax, Embed PHP In HTML/HTML in
PHP, PHP Data Type, Variable in PHP, Contents in PHP , Operators in PHP, If Statement,
If......Else Statement, Nested If Statement, Switch Statement.

Unit III: 15L
Looping structure, array and functions: While loop, do-while loop, for loop, what is array,
syntax of array, multidimensional array, What is function, Syntax of function, User Defined
Function, System Defined Function, Parameterized Function, some string functions of PHP.

Unit IV: 20L
Working with MYSQL: Working with phpMyAdmin, Types of Data Type, Creating Database
& Tables, Dropping Database & Tables, Adding Fields, Selecting Table, Database Connections,
Managing Database Connections, Performing Queries, Closing Connection, Create Database &

Books Recommended:
1. Holzner S. ,”The Complete Reference PHP”– McGraw Hill Education,2017
2. Welling L.,Thomson L, PHP and MySQL Web Development”, Pearson Education,2017.
3. Vaswani V, “The Complete Reference MySQL”, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
4. Powell T.,”The Complete Reference HTML & CSS”, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.

Computer Lab Based on Web Programming with PHP, MySQL:
 HTML Form data handling with PHP
 Design web application using PHP and MYSQL


Unit-1 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Light as an Electromagnetic Wave: Plane waves in homogeneous media, concept of
spherical waves. Reflection and transmission at an interface, total internal reflection,
Brewster’s Law. Interaction of electromagnetic waves with dielectrics: origin of refractive
index, dispersion.
Interference : Superposition of waves of same frequency, Concept of coherence,
Interference by division of wavefront, Young’s double slit, Division of Amplitude, thin film
interference, anti-reflecting films, Newton’s rings; Michelson interferometer. Holography.
Diffraction: Huygen Fresnel Principle, Diffraction Integral, Fresnel and Fraunhoffer
approximations. Fraunhoffer Diffraction by a single slit, rectangular aperture, double slit,
Resolving power of microscopes and telescopes; Diffraction grating: Resolving power and
Dispersive power

Unit-2 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

Polarization: Linear, circular and elliptical polarization, polarizer-analyzer and Malus’ law;
Double refraction by crystals, Interference of polarized light, Wave propagation in uniaxial
media. Half wave and quarter wave plates. Faraday rotation and electro-optic effect.

Unit-3 (15 Lectures, Marks 20)

Light Emitting Diodes: Construction, materials and operation.
Lasers: Interaction of radiation and matter, Einstein coefficients, Condition for
amplification, laser cavity, threshold for laser oscillation, line shape function. Examples of
common lasers. The semiconductor injection laser diode.
Photodetectors: Bolometer, Photomultiplier tube, Charge Coupled Device. Photo
transistors and Photodiodes (p-i-n, avalanche), quantum efficiency and responsivity.
LCD Displays: Types of liquid crystals, Principle of Liquid Crystal Displays, applications,
advantages over LED displays.

Unit-4 (15 Lectures, Marks 20)

Guided Waves and the Optical Fiber: TE and TM modes in symmetric slab waveguides,
effective index, field distributions, Dispersion relation and Group Velocity. Step index
optical fiber, total internal reflection, concept of linearly polarized waves in the step index
circular dielectric waveguides, single mode and multimode fibers, attenuation and
dispersion in optical fiber.

Suggested Books:

1. Ajoy Ghatak, Optics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (2005)
2. E. Hecht, Optics, Pearson Education Ltd. (2002)
3. J. Wilson and J. F. B. Hawkes, Optoelectronics: An Introduction, Prentice Hall India
4. S. O. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, Pearson
Education (2009)
5. Ghatak A.K. and Thyagarajan K., “Introduction to fiber optics,” Cambridge Univ.
Press. (1998)

Photonics Lab
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. To verify the law of Malus for plane polarized light.
2. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Michelson’s Interferometer.
3. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s Rings.
4. To determine the resolving power and Dispersive power of Diffraction Grating.
5. Diffraction experiments using a laser.
6. Study of Faraday rotation.
7. Study of Electro-optic Effect.
8. To determine the specific rotation of scan sugar using polarimeter.
9. To determine characteristics of LEDs and Photo- detector.
10. To measure the numerical aperture of an optical fiber.