R Programming

The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce R programming language
 Discuss different features of R programming language
 Describe how to write R programming language

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Write R scripts in R studio
 Apply R program in real life example
 Perform Simulation using R Program

Unit I: 15L
Introduction: Overview and History of R, Getting Help, Data Types, Subsetting, Vectorized
Operations, Reading and Writing Data.

Unit II: 15L
Control Structures, Functions, lapply, tapply, split, mapply, apply, Coding Standards.

Unit III: 10L
Scoping Rules, Debugging Tools, Simulation, R Profiler.

Unit IV: 20L
Statistical Data analysis: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Probability distributions,
Correlation and regression etc.

Books Recommended:
1. W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith, An Introduction to R, R-core team,2015
Computer Lab Based on R Programming:
 Introduction and basic structure
 Data types, Variable declarations
 Looping and Branching
 Sorting of Data
 Data Analysis in R

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