Signals and Systems

Unit-1 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

Signals and Systems: Continuous and discrete time signals, Transformation of the independent variable,
Exponential and sinusoidal signals, Impulse and unit step functions, Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time
Systems, Basic System Properties.

Unit-2 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Linear Time -Invariant Systems (LTI): Discrete time LTI systems, the Convolution Sum, Continuous time
LTI systems, the Convolution integral. Properties of LTI systems, Commutative, Distributive, Associative.
LTI systems with and without memory, Invariability, Causality, Stability, Unit Step response. Differential and
Difference equation formulation, Block diagram representation of first order systems.

Unit-3 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals: Continuous-Time periodic signals, Convergence of the
Fourier series, Properties of continuous-Time Fourier series, Discrete-Time periodic signals, Properties of
Discrete-Time Fourier series. Frequency-Selective filters, Simple RC highpass and lowpass filters
Fourier Transform: Aperiodic signals, Periodic signals, Properties of Continuous-time Fourier
transform, Convolution and Multiplication Properties, Properties of Fourier transform and basic Fourier
transform Pairs.

Unit-4 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Laplace Transform: Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Properties of the Laplace Transform,
Laplace Transform Pairs, Laplace Transform for signals, Laplace Transform Methods in Circuit Analysis,
Impulse and Step response of RL, RC and RLC circuits.

Suggested Books:

1. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Wilsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education (2007)
2. S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signal and Systems, John Wiley & Sons (2004)
3. C. Alexander and M. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits , McGraw Hill (2008)
4. H. P. Hsu, Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill (2007)
5. S. T. Karris, Signal and Systems: with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modelling, Orchard
Publications (2008)
6. W. Y. Young, Signals and Systems with MATLAB, Springer (2009)
7. M. Roberts, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill (2007)

Signals and Systems Lab (Scilab/MATLAB/ Other Mathematical Simulation software)
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. Generation of Signals: continuous time
2. Generation of Signals: discrete time
3. Time shifting and time scaling of signals.
4. Convolution of Signals
5. Solution of Difference equations.
6. Fourier series representation of continuous time signals.
7. Fourier transform of continuous time signals.
8. Laplace transform of continuous time signals.
9. Introduction to Xcos/similar function and calculation of output of systems represented by block

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