The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the major developments in
European politico-economic scenario since the Renaissance till the end of the French

Unit-1 1.01 : Renaissance- meaning -background-impacts
1.02 : Reformation- origin, courses and
 consequences; Counter Reformation
1.03 : The Thirty Years War- causes and

Unit-2 2.01 : Colonial Expansion in the 15th
–16th centuries –
 Causes, Extent and Implication
2.02 : Commercial Revolution in Europe
2.03 : Absolute monarchy in Europe- Spain, France,
 England and Russia
2.04 : The Glorious Revolution –Background and

Unit-3 3.01 : The Scientific Revolution in the 16th
 centuries - extent, nature and results
3.02 : Mercantilism and European Economy during
 17th and 18th Centuries
3.03 : American War of Independence- political and Economic Issues and

Unit-4 4.01 : Enlightenment in Europe – its Impact
4.02 : Enlightened Despotism in Europe – Russia,
 Prussia and Austria
4.03 : The Industrial Revolution in Europe- causes and
4.04 : Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

Unit-5 5.01 : The French Revolution- Causes, Courses and
5.02 : Napoleon Bonaparte- internal and external polices- downfall of
Napoleon Bonaparte
5.03 : The Congress of Vienna and Europe in 1815.

Suggested Readings:
Anderson, M.S. : Europe in the Eighteenth Century
Anderson, Perry : The Lineage’s of the Absolutist States
Cameron, Euan (ed.) : Early Modern Europe An Oxford History
Cipola, Carlo M. : Fontana Economic History of Europe, Vol. II & III
De Vrics, Jan : Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis 1600-1750.
Elton, G.R. : Reformation Europe, 1517-1559.
Hale, J.R. : Renaissance Europe
Hill, Christopher : A Century of Revolutions
Koenigsberger, H.G and G.L. Mosse : Europe in the Sixteenth Century
Lee, Stephen J. : Aspects of European History, 1494-1789
Mathias, Peter : First Industrial Revolutions
Pennington, D.H.: Seventeenth Century Europe
Phukan, Meenakshi : Rise of the Modern West: Social and Economic History of Early
Modern Europe. 

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