HISTORY OF INDIA V (c. 1550 - 1605)

Course Objective:

(i) The students will have information regarding the Persian sources and
vernacular literary traditions
(ii) The growth and consolidation of the Mughal Empire
(iii) Mughal policies in the North West Frontier and the Deccan
(iv) The land rights and revenue system, agriculture, trade under the Mughals
(v) Political and religious ideas of the period concerned

Unit-1 Sources and Historiography:
(a) Persian literary culture; translations; Vernacular literary traditions
(b) Modern Interpretations
Establishment of Mughal rule:
(c) India on the eve of Babur’s invasion
(d) Fire arms, military technology and warfare
(e) Humayun’s struggle for empire
(f) Sher Shah and his administrative and revenue reforms

Unit-2 Consolidation of Mughal rule under Akbar:
(a) Campaigns and conquests: tactics and technology
(b) Evolution of administrative institutions: zabt, mansab, jagir, madad-i-maash
(c) Revolts and resistance

Unit-3 Expansion and Integration:
(a) Incorporation of Rajputs and other indigenous groups in Mughal nobility
(b) North-West frontier, Gujarat and the Deccan
(c) Conquest of Bengal

Unit-4 Rural Society and Economy:
(a) Land rights and revenue system; Zamindars and peasants; rural tensions
(b) Extension of agriculture; agricultural production; crop patterns
(c) Trade routes and patterns of internal commerce; overseas trade; rise of Surat

Unit-5 Political and religious ideals:
(a) Inclusive political ideas: theory and practice
(b) Religious tolerance and sulh-i-kul; Sufi mystical and intellectual interventions
(c) Pressure from the ulama

Recommended Readings:

Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subramanian, eds, The Mughal State, 1526 - 1750.
J.F. Richards, The Mughal Empire.
Satish Chandra: A History of Medieval India, 2 volumes
Satish Chandra, Essays on Medieval Indian History.
Irfan Habib, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1526 - 1707.
Tapan Ray Chaudhury and Irfan Habib (ed.) The Cambridge Economic History of India,Vol.
Tara Chand: Influence of Islam on Indian Culture

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