Electronic Circuits and PCB Designing

Unit-1 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

Network theorems (DC analysis only): Review of Ohms law, Kirchhoff’s laws, voltage
divider and current divider theorems, open and short circuits.
Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem and interconversion, superposition theorem,
maximum power transfer theorem.

Unit 2 (12 Lectures, Marks 15)

Semiconductor Diode and its applications: PN junction diode and characteristics, ideal
diode and diode approximations. Block diagram of a Regulated Power Supply, Rectifiers:
HWR, FWR - center tapped and bridge FWRs. Circuit diagrams, working and waveforms,
ripple factor & efficiency(no derivations).Filters: circuit diagram and explanation of shunt
capacitor filter with waveforms.
Zener diode regulator: circuit diagram and explanation for load and line regulation,
disadvantages of Zener diode regulator.

Unit-3 (18 Lectures, Marks 25)

BJT and Small Signal amplifier: Bipolar Junction Transistor: Construction, principle &
working of NPN transistor, terminology. Configuration: CE, CB, CC. Definition of α, β and
γ and their interrelations, leakage currents. Study of CE Characteristics, Hybrid parameters.
Transistor biasing: need for biasing, DC load line, operating point, thermal runaway,
stability and stability factor.
Voltage divider bias: circuit diagrams and their working, Q point expressions for voltage
divider biasing.
Small signal CE amplifier: circuit, working, frequency response, re model for CE
configuration, derivation for Av, Zin and Zout.

Unit-4 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Types of PCB: Single sided board, double sided, Multilayer boards, Plated through holes
technology, Benefits of Surface Mount Technology (SMT), Limitation of SMT, Surface
mount components: Resistors, Capacitor, Inductor, Diode and IC’s.
Layout and Artwork: Layout Planning: General rules of Layout, Resistance, Capacitance
and Inductance, Conductor Spacing, Supply and Ground Conductors, Component Placing
and mounting, Cooling requirement and package density, Layout check.
Basic artwork approaches, Artwork taping guidelines, General artwork rules: Artwork
check and Inspection.
Laminates and Photoprinting: Properties of laminates, Types of Laminates, Manual
cleaning process, Basic printing process for double sided PCB’s, Photo resists, wet film
resists, Coating process for wet film resists, Exposure and further process for wet film
resists, Dry film resists
Etching and Soldering: Introduction, Etching machine, Etchant system. Principles of
Solder connection, Solder joints, Solder alloys, Soldering fluxes. Soldering, Desoldering
tools and Techniques.

Suggested Books:

1. Electronic Devices and circuit theory, Robert Boylstead and Louis Nashelsky, 9th
Edition, 2013, PHI
2. Electronics text lab manual, Paul B. Zbar.
3. Electric circuits, Joeseph Edminister, Schaum series.
4. Basic Electronics and Linear circuits, N.N. Bhargava, D.C. Kulshresta and
D.C Gupta -TMH.
5. Electronic devices, David A Bell, Reston Publishing Company/DB Tarapurwala Publ.
6. Walter C.Bosshart “PCB DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY” Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, Delhi. 1983
7. Clyde F.Coombs “Printed circuits Handbook” III Edition, McGraw Hill.

Electronic Circuits and PCB Designing Lab (Hardware and Circuit Simulation
60 Lectures , Marks 40

1. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem
2. Verification of Super position theorem
3. Verification of Maximum power transfer theorem.
4. Half wave Rectifier – without and with shunt capacitance filter.
5. Centre tapped full wave rectifier – without and with shunt capacitance filter.
6. Zener diode as voltage regulator – load regulation.
7. Transistor characteristics in CE mode – determination of ri, ro and β.
8. Design and study of voltage divider biasing.
9. Designing of an CE based amplifier of given gain
10. Designing of PCB using artwork, its fabrication and testing.
11. Design, fabrication and testing of a 9 V power supply with zener regulator

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