Data Structures using C


The course is designed with an objective to
 Developing programming logic using C.
 Demonstrate the major algorithms in data structures.
 Analyze performance of algorithms.
 Discuss which algorithm or data structure to use in different scenarios.
 Demonstrate the properties of various data structures such as stacks, queues, lists, trees.
 Demonstrate various sorting algorithms, including bubble sort, insertion sort, selection
sort, heap sort, merge sort, quick sort.
 Demonstrate understanding of various searching algorithms.

Learning Outcome:

On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Write programs using C as a language.
 Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
 Distinguish between linear and non-linear data structure.
 Apply non-linear data structure in appropriate areas.
 Apply various sorting and searching algorithms in different problems.

Unit I: 20L

Introduction: Introduction to C Language, Conditional Statements and Loops, Arrays &

Unit II: 14L

Basics of Data Structure: Data structure, algorithms, Primitive and Composite data types,
Time and Space Complexity of Algorithms, Linked List, Stack, Queues implementation using
Array and linked list, Insertion, Deletion and Traversal of linked list. Recursion and its
implementation with reference to stack.

Unit III: 14L

Sorting & Searching Algorithms: Introduction to Sorting and its practical use, Sorting
Algorithms and its implementation Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection Sort, Quick sort, Merge
sort and Radix Sort.
Introduction to Searching algorithms, Linear search, Binary search, depth first search and
breadth first search techniques.

Unit IV: 12L

Introduction to Trees: Introduction to Trees, properties of Trees, Binary Tree, Complete
Binary Trees, Binary search Trees, Tree traversal methods(pre order, in order, post order),Infix,
Postfix and Prefix Notations.

Books Recommended:

1. Balaguruswami, D “Programming with ANSI-C” 6
th Edition, Tata McGrow
2. Tenenbaum A. M.,”Data Structures Using C”,Pearson,2nd Edition,2009.
3. Baluja, G. S.”Data Structure through C++”, Dhanpat Rai Publication,2012.
4. Lipschutz, Seymour”Data Structures”, T. M. Hill,2010.
5. Weiss, Mark Allen ”Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”,Pearson,4th

Computer Lab Based on Data Structures using C:

 Write basic C programs.
 Write programs to implement different operations on arrays.
 Write programs to implement stack, queue, and linked-lists.
 Write programs to implement sorting and searching algorithms.
 Write programs to implement BST.

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