Modern Communication Systems

Unit-1 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

Advanced Digital Modulation Technique: DPCM, DM, ADM. Binary Line Coding
Technique, Multi level coding, QAM (Modulation and Demodulation)

Unit-2 (10 Lectures, Marks 15)

Optical Communication: Introduction of Optical Fiber, Types of Fiber, Guidance in
Optical Fiber, Attenuation and Dispersion in Fiber, Optical Sources and Detectors, Block
Diagram of optical communication system, optical power budgeting

Unit-3 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Cellular Communication: Concept of cellular mobile communication – cell and cell
splitting, frequency bands used in cellular communication, absolute RF channel numbers
(ARFCN), frequency reuse, roaming and hand off, authentication of the SIM card of the
subscribers, IMEI number, concept of data encryption, architecture (block diagram) of
cellular mobile communication network, CDMA technology, CDMA overview, simplified
block diagram of cellular phone handset, Comparative study of GSM and CDMA, 2G, 3G
and 4G concepts.

Unit-4 (20 Lectures, Marks 25)

Satellite communication: Introduction, need, satellite orbits, advantages and disadvantages of
geostationary satellites. Satellite visibility, satellite system – space segment, block diagrams of
satellite sub systems, up link, down link, cross link, transponders (C- Band), effect of solar
eclipse, path loss, ground station, simplified block diagram of earth station. Satellite access,
TDMA, FDMA, CDMA concepts, comparison of TDMA and FDMA, Satellite antenna
(parabolic dish antenna), GPS-services like SPS & PPS.
Local area networks (LAN): Primary characteristics of Ethernet-mobile IP, OSI model,
wireless LAN requirements-concept of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX.

Suggested Books:

1. W. Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems: Fundamentals through Advanced,
Pearson Education, 3rd Edition
2. Martin S. Roden, Analog & Digital Communication Systems, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, 3rd Edition
3. Modern digital and analog Communication systems- B. P. Lathi, 4rd Edition 2009
Oxford University press.
4. ThiagarajanVishwanathan, Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks,
Prentice Hall of India.
5. Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications Principles and Practice, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education Asia.

Modern Communication Systems Lab
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. Modulation of LED and detection through Photo detector.
2. Calculation of the transmission losses in an optical communication system.
3. Study of 16 QAM modulation and Detection with generation of Constellation
4. Study of DPCM and demodulation.
5. Study of DM, ADM
6. Study of architecture of Mobile phone.
7. Study of Satellite Communication System.
8. Study of Optical Fiber Communication System 

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