HTML Programming

The course is designed with an objective to
 Introduce Web, Website designing and HTML.
 Enable students to use different HTML tags.
 Enable students to design and deploy web-sites.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Demonstrate competency in using basic HTML codes.
 Develop efficient web pages and web sites.
 Develop interactive web pages using forms.
 Understand and use CSS in styling the web pages.

Unit I: 1L
Introduction: Introduction to WWW, Internet, Browser, HTTP, HTML.

Unit II: 2L
The Basics: The Head, the Body, Colors, Attributes, Lists, ordered and unordered

Unit III: 3L
Links: Introduction, Relative Links, Absolute Links, Link Attributes, Using the ID
Attribute to Link Within a Document

Unit IV: 2L
Images: Putting an Image on a Page, Using Images as Links, Putting an Image in the

Unit V: 4L
Tables: Creating a Table, Table Headers, Captions, Spanning Multiple Columns,
Styling Table

Unit VI: 3L
Forms: Basic Input and Attributes, Other Kinds of Inputs, Styling forms with CSS,
Where To Go From Here

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to HTML and CSS -- O'Reilly , 2010
2. Jon Duckett, HTML and CSS, John Wiely, 2012
3. HTML QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide To HTML --ClydeBank
Technology, 2015.
4. A Smarter Way to Learn HTML & CSS (Volume 2)-- Mark Myers ,2015

Computer Lab Based on HTML Programming:
 Design HTML pages using various tags
 Implement CSS to HTML

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