HISTORY OF INDIA IV (c.1206 - 1550)

Course Objective:

The learners will gather information regarding
(i) The sources, vernacular histories and epigraphy
(ii) The various dynasties ruling Delhi
(iii) Emergence of Bahmani kingdom and Vijaynagara Empire
(iv) The social and economic developments, the religion, society and culture
during the late medieval India

Unit-1 Interpreting the Delhi Sultanate:
Survey of sources: Persian tarikh tradition; vernacular histories; epigraphy

Unit-2 Sultanate Political Structures:
(a) Foundation, expansion and consolidation of the Sultanate of Delhi; The Khaljis and the
Tughluqs; Mongol threat and Timur’s invasion; The Lodis: Conquest of Bahlul and
Sikandar; Ibrahim Lodi and the battle of Panipat
(b) Theories of kingship; Ruling elites; Sufis, ulama and the political authority; imperial
monuments and coinage

Unit-3 Emergence of provincial dynasties:
(a)Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms, Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur and Bengal
(b) Consolidation of regional identities; regional art, architecture and literature

Unit-4 Society and Economy:
(a) Iqta and the revenue-free grants
(b) Agricultural production; technology
(c) Changes in rural society; revenue systems
(d) Monetization; market regulations; growth of urban centers; trade and commerce; Indian
Ocean trade

Unit-5 Religion, Society and Culture:
(a) Sufi silsilas: Chishtis and Suhrawardis; doctrines and practices; social roles
(b) Bhakti movements and monotheistic traditions in South and North India; Women
Nathpanthis; Kabir, Nanak and the Sant tradition
(c) Sufi literature: malfuzat; premakhayans

Recommended Readings:

Mohammad Habib and K.A. Nizami, eds, Comprehensive History of
India, Vol. V, The Delhi Sultanate.
Satish Chandra, Medieval India I.
Peter Jackson, The Delhi Sultanate.
Catherine Asher and Cynthia Talbot, India Before Europe.
Tapan Raychaudhuri and Irfan Habib, eds, Cambridge Economic
History of India, Vol. I.
K.A. Nizami, Religion and Politics in the Thirteenth Century.
W.H. McLeod, Karine Schomer, et al, Eds, The Sants.
S.A.A. Rizvi, A History of Sufism in India, Vol. I.
Mohibul Hasan, Historians of Medieval India.
Cynthia Talbot, Pre-colonial India in Practice.
Simon Digby, War Horses and Elephants in the Delhi Sultanate.
I.H. Siddiqui, Afghan Despotism.
Burton Stein, New Cambridge History of India: Vijayanagara.
Richard M. Eaton, ed., India’s Islamic Traditions.
Vijaya Ramaswamy, Walking Naked: Women, Society, and Spirituality in South India.
Sheldon Pollock, Languages of the Gods in the World of Men.
Pushpa Prasad, Sanskrit Inscriptions of the Delhi Sultanate.
Andre Wink, Al-Hind, Vols. I-III.

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