Course Objective:

The Objective of this Course is to acquaint the Students with
(i) Liberal Democracy, Working Class Movements and Socialism in the 19th and
20th Centuries:
(ii) Crisis of Feudalism in Russia and Experiments in Socialism
(iii) War and Crisis: c. 1880-1939 and
(iv) Post 1919 Political Development, Cultural and Intellectual Developments
since c. 1850

Unit-1 Liberal Democracy, Working Class Movements and Socialism in the 19th
and 20th Centuries:
[a] The Struggle for Parliamentary Democracy and Civil Liberties in Britain.
[b] Forms of Protest during early Capitalism: Food Riots in France and England:
Luddites and Chartism.
[c] Early Socialist thought; Marxian Socialism in the First and the Second
[d] German Social Democracy, Politics and Culture.
[e] Christian Democracy as a Political and Ideological Force in Western and
Central Europe

Unit-2 The Crisis of Feudalism in Russia and Experiments in Socialism:
[a] Emancipation of Serfs.
[b] Russian Populism and Social Democracy.
[c] Revolutions of 1905; the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
[d] Programme of Socialist Construction.

Unit-3 Imperialism, War, and Crisis: c. 1880-1939:
[a] Theories and Mechanisms of Imperialism; Growth of Militarism; Power
Blocs and Alliances: Expansion of European Empires - War of 1914 - 1918
[b] The Post-1919 World Order: Economic Crises, the Great Depression and

Unit-4 Post 1919 Political Development :
[a] Fascism and Nazism.
[b] The Spanish Civil War.
[c] Origins of the Second World War.

Unit-5 Cultural and Intellectual Developments since c. 1850:
[a] Changing Contexts: [i] Notions of Culture [ii] Creation of a New Public
Sphere and Mass Media [iii] Mass Education and Extension of Literacy.
[b] Creation of New Cultural Forms: from Romanticism to Abstract Art.
[c] Major Intellectual Trends: Darwin and Freud.
[d] Culture and the making of Ideologies: Constructions of Race, Class and
Gender, Ideologies of Empire.

Recommended Readings:

Gerald Brennan: The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account of the Social and Political Background
of the Civil War
C.M. Cipolla: Fontana Economic History of Europe, Volume II the Present (1981).
Norman Davies, Europe: A History
J. Evans: The Foundations of a Modern State in 19th Century Europe.
T.S. Hamerow: Restoration, Revolution and Reaction: Economics and Politics in Germany
E.J. Hobsbawn : The Age of Revolution.
Lynn Hunt: Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution.
James Joll, Europe Since 1870.
David Landes: Promctheus Unbound.
George Lefebvre, Coming of the French Revolution.
George Lichtheim: A Short History of Socialism.
Peter Mathias, First Industrial Revolution.
Alec Nove: An Economic History of the USSR.
Andrew Porter, European Imperialism, 18760 -1914 (1994).
Antbony Wood, History of Europe, 1815-1960 (1983).
G. Barrowclough, An Introduction to Contemporary History.
Fernand Braudel, History and the Social Science in M. Aymard and H. Mukhia eds. French
Studies in History, Vol. I (1989).
Maurice Dobb: Soviet Economic Development Since 1917.
M. Perrot and G. Duby [eds.]: A History of Women in the West,
H.J. Hanham; Nineteenth Century Constitution, 1815 รป 1914.
E.J. Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism.
Charles and Barbara Jelavich: Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1840-1920.
James Joll, Origins of the First World war (1989).
Jaon B. Landes: Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution.
David lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country.
Colin Licas: The French Revolution and the Making of Modern Political Culture, Volume 2.
Nicholas Mansergh: The Irish Question, 1840 - 1921.
K.O. Morgan: Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Volume 3
R.P. Morgan: German Social Democracy and the First International.
N.V. Riasanovsky: A History of Russia.
J.M. Robert, Europe 1880 - 1985.
J.J. Roth (ed.), World War I: A Turning Point in Modern History.
Albert Soboul: History of the French Revolution (in two volumes).
Lawrence Stone, History and the Social Sciences in the Twentieth Century, The Past and the
Present (1981).
Dorothy Thompson: Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution.
E.P. Thompson: Making of the English Working Class.
Michel Vovelle, fall of the French Monarchy (1984).
H. Seton Watson: The Russian Empire.
Raymond Williams: Culture and Society.

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