Applied Physics

Unit-1 (20 Lectures, Marks : 25)

Quantum Physics: Inadequacies of Classical physics. Compton’s effect, Photo-electric Effect, Wave-particle
duality, de Broglie waves. Basic postulates and formalism of quantum mechanics: probabilistic interpretation
of waves, conditions for physical acceptability of wave functions. Schrodinger wave equation for a free
particle and in a force field (1 dimension), Boundary and continuity conditions. Operators in Quantum
Mechanics, Conservation of probability, Time-dependent form, Linearity and superposition, Operators, Timeindependent one dimensional Schrodinger wave equation, Stationary states, Eigen-values and Eigen functions.
Particle in a one-dimensional box, Extension to a three dimensional box, Potential barrier problems,
phenomenon of tunneling. Kronig Penney Model and development of band structure. Spherically symmetric
potentials, the Hydrogen-like atom problem.

Unit-2 (10 Lectures, Marks : 15)

Mechanical Properties of Materials: Elastic and Plastic Deformations, Hooke’s Law, Elastic Moduli, Brittle
and Ductile Materials, Tensile Strength, Theoretical and Critical Shear Stress of Crystals. Strengthening
Mechanisms, Hardness, Creep, Fatigue, Fracture.

Unit-3 (15 Lectures, Marks : 20

Thermal Properties: Brief Introduction to Laws of Thermodynamics, Concept of Entropy, Concept of
Phonons, Heat Capacity, Debye’s Law, Lattice Specific Heat, Electronic Specific Heat, Specific Heat
Capacity for Si and GaAs, Thermal Conductivity, Thermoelectricity, Seebeck Effect, Thomson Effect, Peltier

Unit-4 (15 Lectures, Marks : 20)

Electric and Magnetic Properties:
mean free path, electron scattering
Conductivity of metals, Ohm’s Law, relaxation time, collision time and
and resistivity of metals, heat developed in current carrying conductor,
Classification of Magnetic Materials, Origin of Magnetic moment, Origin of dia, para, ferro and antiferro
magnetism and their comparison, Ferrimagnetic materials, Saturation Magnetisation and Curie temperature,
Magnetic domains, Concepts of Giant Magnetic Resistance (GMR), Magnetic recording.

Suggested Books:

1. S. Vijaya and G. Rangarajan, Material Science, Tata Mcgraw Hill (2003)
2. W. E. Callister, Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Wiley India (2006)
3. A. Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics , McGraw-Hill Book Company (1987)
4. A. Ghatak & S. Lokanathan, Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India (2004)

Applied Physics Lab

1. To determine Young’s modulus of a wire by optical lever method.
2. To determine the modulus of rigidity of a wire by Maxwell’s needle.
3. To determine the elastic constants of a wire by Searle’s method.
4. To measure the resistivity of a Ge crystal with temperature by four –probe method from room
temperature to 200 0
5. To determine the value of Boltzmann Constant by studying forward characteristics of diode.
6. To determine the value of Planck’s constant by using LEDs of at least 4 different wavelengths.
7. To determine e/m of electron by Bar Magnet or by Magnetic Focusing. 

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