Semiconductor Devices

Unit 1
Theory Lectures 60

Semiconductor Basics: Introduction to Semiconductor Materials, Crystal Structure, Planes and Miller
Indices, Energy Band in Solids, Concept of Effective Mass, Density of States, Carrier Concentration at
Normal Equilibrium in Intrinsic Semiconductors, Derivation of Fermi Level for Intrinsic & Extrinsic
Semiconductors, Donors, Acceptors, Dependence of Fermi Level on Temperature and Doping Concentration,
Temperature Dependence of Carrier Concentrations.
Carrier Transport Phenomena: Carrier Drift, Mobility, Resistivity, Hall Effect, Diffusion Process, Einstein
Relation, Current Density Equation, Carrier Injection, Generation And Recombination Processes, Continuity

Unit 2 (15 Lectures, Marks : 20)

P-N Junction Diode : Formation of Depletion Layer, Space Charge at a Junction, Derivation of Electrostatic
Potential Difference at Thermal Equilibrium, Depletion Width and Depletion Capacitance of an Abrupt
Junction. Concept of Linearly Graded Junction, Derivation of Diode Equation and I-V Characteristics. Zener
and Avalanche Junction Breakdown Mechanism.
Tunnel diode, varactor diode, solar cell: circuit symbol, characteristics, applications

Unit 3 (15 Lectures, Marks : 20)

Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT): PNP and NPN Transistors, Basic Transistor Action, Emitter
Efficiency, Base Transport Factor, Current Gain, Energy Band Diagram of Transistor in Thermal Equilibrium,
Quantitative Analysis of Static Characteristics (Minority Carrier Distribution and Terminal Currents), BaseWidth Modulation, Modes of operation, Input and Output Characteristics of CB, CE and CC Configurations.
Metal Semiconductor Junctions: Ohmic and Rectifying Contacts.

Unit 4 (18 Lectures, Marks : 25)

Field Effect Transistors: JFET, Construction, Idea of Channel Formation, Pinch-Off and Saturation Voltage,
Current-Voltage Output Characteristics. MOSFET, types of MOSFETs, Circuit symbols, Working and
Characteristic curves of Depletion type MOSFET (both N channel and P Channel) and Enhancement type
MOSFET (both N channel and P channel). Complimentary MOS (CMOS).
Power Devices: UJT, Basic construction and working, Equivalent circuit, intrinsic Standoff Ratio,
Characteristics and relaxation oscillator-expression. SCR, Construction,Working and Characteristics, Triac,
Diac, IGBT, MESFET, Circuit symbols, Basic constructional features, Operation and Applications.

Suggested Books:

1) S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, 2ndEdition, Wiley India edition (2002).
2) Ben G Streetman and S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Pearson Education (2006)
3) Dennis Le Croissette, Transistors, Pearson Education (1989)
4) Jasprit Singh, Semiconductor Devices: Basic Principles, John Wiley and Sons (2001)
5) Kanaan Kano, Semiconductor Devices, Pearson Education (2004)
6) Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Pearson Education (2006)

Semiconductor Devices Lab (Hardware and Circuit Simulation Software)

1. Study of the I-V Characteristics of Diode – Ordinary and Zener Diode.
2. Study of the I-V Characteristics of the CE configuration of BJT and obtain ri, ro, β.
3. Study of the I-V Characteristics of the Common Base Configuration of BJT and obtain ri, ro, α.
4. Study of the I-V Characteristics of the Common Collector Configuration of BJT and obtain voltage
gain, ri, ro.
5. Study of the I-V Characteristics of the UJT.
6. Study of the I-V Characteristics of the SCR.
7. Study of the I-V Characteristics of JFET.
8. Study of the I-V Characteristics of MOSFET.
9. Study of Characteristics of Solar Cell
10. Study of Hall Effect. 

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