Power Electronics

Unit- 1 (12 Lectures, Marks 16)

Power Devices: Need for semiconductor power devices, Power diodes, Enhancement of
reverse blocking capacity, Introduction to family of thyristors.
Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR): structure, I-V characteristics, Turn-On and Turn-Off
characteristics, ratings, Factors affecting the characteristics/ratings of SCR, Gate-triggering
circuits, Control circuits design and Protection circuits, Snubber circuit.

Unit- 2 (14 Lectures, Marks 20 )

Diac and Triac: Basic structure, working and V-I characteristic of, application of a Diac as
a triggering device for a Triac.
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT): Basic structure, I-V Characteristics,
switching characteristics, device limitations and safe operating area (SOA) etc.
Application of SCR: SCR as a static switch, phase controlled rectification, single phase
half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers with inductive & non-inductive loads; AC voltage
control using SCR and Triac as a switch.
Power MOSFETs: operation modes, switching characteristics, power BJT, second
breakdown, saturation and quasi-saturation state.

Unit- 3 (17 Lectures, Marks 22)

Power Inverters: Need for commutating circuits and their various types, d.c. link invertors,
Parallel capacitor commutated invertors with and without reactive feedback and its analysis,
Series Invertor, limitations and its improved versions, bridge invertors.
Choppers: basic chopper circuit, types of choppers(Type A-D), step-down chopper, stepup chopper, operation of d.c. chopper circuits using self commutation (A & B- type
commutating circuit), cathode pulse turn-off chopper(using class D commutation), load
sensitive cathode pulse turn-off chopper (Jones Chopper), Morgan's chopper

Unit- 4 (17 Lectures, Marks 22)

Electromechanical Machines: DC Motors, Basic understanding of field and armature,
Principle of operation, EMF equation, Back EMF, Factors controlling motor speed, Thyristor
based speed control of dc motors, AC motor (Induction Motor only), Rotor and stator, torque &
speed of induction motor, Thyristor control of ac motors(block diagrams only)

Suggested Books:

1. Power Electronics, P.C. Sen, TMH
2. Power Electronics & Controls, S.K. Dutta
3. Power Electronics, M.D. Singh & K.B. Khanchandani, TMH
4. Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd Edition, M.H. Rashid,
Pearson Education
5. Power Electronics, Applications and Design, Ned Mohan, Tore.
6. Power Electronics, K. HariBabu, Scitech Publication.
7. Power Electronics, M.S. Jamil Asghar, PHI.
8. A Textbook of Electrical Technology-Vol-II, B.L. Thareja, A.K. Thareja, S.Chand

Power Electronics Lab
60 Lectures, Marks 40

1. Study of I-V characteristics of DIAC
2. Study of I-V characteristics of a TRIAC
3. Study of I-V characteristics of a SCR
4. SCR as a half wave and full wave rectifiers with R and RL loads
5. DC motor control using SCR.
6. DC motor control using TRIAC.
7. AC voltage controller using TRIAC with UJT triggering.
8. Study of parallel and bridge inverter.
9. Design of snubber circuit
10. VI Characteristic of MOSFET and IGBT (Both)
11. Study of chopper circuits 

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