This paper aims to acquaint the students with the general course of events in the field of
political, social, cultural and economic affairs in India from the foundation of the Mughal
Empire in 1526 till Independence in 1947.

Unit-1 1.01 : Political Conditions in Northern India in the beginning of the 16th centuryThe Afghan Empire and the Mughals- Resistance vs. Struggle for
1.02 : The Age of the Mughals- Foundation of the Mughal Empire- Humayun
and His struggle- Conflict with Sher Shah
1.03 : Akbar to Aurangzeb- Political Supremacy and
 Administrative Developments

Unit-2 2.01 : The later Mughals and the Decline of the
 Mughal Empire
2.02 : Rise of the Marathas in the Deccan- Sivaji and
 His career
2.03 : Society, Economy, Religion and Culture under
 the Mughals
2.04 : Beginning of the European Settlements in India–the Portuguese –the
Dutch –the French and the English.

Unit-3 3.01 : British Conquests of India –British occupation of Bengal, Anglo-French
rivalry-the Battle of Plassey and its effects
3.02 : Expansion and consolidation of the British rule in India up to 1857-
Conflict with the Marathas, Mysore, Awadh, Punjab and Sindh.
3.03 : Administrative Developments and Socio-
 Economic Reform up to 1857

Unit-4 4.01 : Revolt of 1857 and its Aftermath
4.02 : Post 1857 Administrative Developments till
4.03 : Socio-religious reform movements in the post
 1857 period
4.04 : Growth of the Press and Rise of National
4.05 : Freedom Struggle up to 1919 –Partition of Bengal and the Swadeshi
Movement, Home Rule League, Rise of Muslim Politics

Unit-5 5.01 : Freedom Struggle from 1919 to 1939 - Gandhi in Politics–Khilafat and
Non-Cooperation Movement -Civil Disobedience Movement
5.02 : Government of India Act, 1935.
5.03 : Rise of Communalism, Revolutionary Terrorism, Trade Unionism and
Leftist Politics.
5.04 : Cripps Mission –Quit India Movement-Second
 World War-INA
5.05 : Post-War Development –Cabinet Mission and
 transfer of power

Suggested Readings:
Barua, P.K. and T.A. Hussain : Bharat Buranji
Banerjee, A.C. : History of India
Bose, N.S. : Indian National Movement an outline.
Grover B.L. and S. Grover : A New Look at Modern Indian History.
Goswami, S.D. : Bharat Buranji
Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) : History and Culture of the Indian People,
Spear, Percival : Modern India.

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