HISTORY OF INDIA VII (c. 1605 - 1750s)

Course Objective:

(i) The learners will have an idea about the various sources and historiography of
the Mughal period
(ii) Expansion of the Mughal rule, the Sufi orders
(iii) Auragzeb’s religious policy, religious institutions, Decline of the Mughal
Empire, Growth of regional polities and state formation under the Rajputs and
the Marathas.
(iv) 18th Century Debate
(v) Trade, craft, monetary and market system, urban centres and Indian Ocean
trade networks

Unit-1 Sources:
Persian and Vernacular Literary Cultures,
Histories, Memoirs and Travelogues, Paintings and Architecture

Unit-2 Political Culture under Jahangir and Shah Jahan:
(a) Extension of Mughal rule; changes in mansab and jagir systems; Imperial
(b) Orthodoxy and Syncretism - Naqshbandi Sufis, Miyan Mir, Dara Shukoh,

Unit-3 Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb:
(a) State and Religion under Aurangzeb; issues in the war of succession; policies
regarding Religious groups and institutions
(b) Conquests and limits of Expansion
(c) Beginning of the crisis: Contemporary perceptions; Agrarian and Jagir crises;

Unit-4 Patterns of Regional Politics:
(a) Rajput Political Culture and State Formation
(b) Deccan kingdoms; Emergence of the Marathas; Shivaji; expansion under the
(c) Mughal Decline; Emergence of Successor States
(d) Interpreting Eighteenth Century India: Recent Debates

Unit-5 Trade and Commerce:
(a) Crafts and Technologies; Monetary System
(b) Markets; Transportation; Urban Centres
(c) Indian Ocean Trade Network

Recommended Readings:

M. Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb.
Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subramanian, eds, The Mughal State, 1526 - 1750.
J.F. Richards, The Mughal Empire.
Satish Chandra, Essays on Medieval Indian History.
Irfan Habib, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1526 - 1707.
Ashin Dasgupta, Indian Merchants and the Decline of Surat, 1700 -1750.
Stewart Gordon, The Marathas 1600 - 1818.
Ebba Koch, Mughal Art and Imperial Ideology.
S.A.A. Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India.
K. R. Qanungo, Dara Shikoh.
S. Nurul Hasan, Religion, State, and Society in Medieval India.
S. Arsaratnam, Maritime India in the Seventeenth Century.
Muzaffar Alam, The Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India.
Catherine Asher, Architecture of Mughal India.
Milo Beach, Mughal and Rajput Paintings.
Satish Chandra, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court.
Andre Wink, Land and Sovereignty in India.
Harbans Mukhia, The Mughals of India.
J.F. Richards, Mughal Administration in Golconda.
Z.U. Malik, The Reign of Muhammad Shah.

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