Office Automation Tools

The course is designed with an objective to introduce the various features of Office suite.

Learning Outcome:
On completion of the course, students will be able to
 Perform documentation using various Office suite.
 Perform accounting operation using various Office suite.
 Design PowerPoint presentation using various Office suite.

Unit I:
Introduction to open office / MS office / Libre office 2L

Unit II:
Word Processing: Formatting Text, Pages, Lists, Tables 5L

Unit III:
Spreadsheets: Worksheets, Formatting data, creating charts and graphs, using formulas and
functions, macros, Pivot Table 5L

Unit IV:
Presentation Tools: Adding and formatting text, pictures, graphic objects, including charts,
objects, formatting slides, notes, hand-outs, slide shows, using transitions, animations 4L

Books Recommended:

1. Sushila Madan , Introduction to Essential tools,JBA,2009.
2. Anita Goel, Computer Fundamentals, Pearson, 2012
Computer Lab Based on Office Automation:
 Various Office package (Word processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation)

HISTORY OF INDIA VII (c. 1605 - 1750s)

Course Objective:

(i) The learners will have an idea about the various sources and historiography of
the Mughal period
(ii) Expansion of the Mughal rule, the Sufi orders
(iii) Auragzeb’s religious policy, religious institutions, Decline of the Mughal
Empire, Growth of regional polities and state formation under the Rajputs and
the Marathas.
(iv) 18th Century Debate
(v) Trade, craft, monetary and market system, urban centres and Indian Ocean
trade networks

Unit-1 Sources:
Persian and Vernacular Literary Cultures,
Histories, Memoirs and Travelogues, Paintings and Architecture

Unit-2 Political Culture under Jahangir and Shah Jahan:
(a) Extension of Mughal rule; changes in mansab and jagir systems; Imperial
(b) Orthodoxy and Syncretism - Naqshbandi Sufis, Miyan Mir, Dara Shukoh,

Unit-3 Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb:
(a) State and Religion under Aurangzeb; issues in the war of succession; policies
regarding Religious groups and institutions
(b) Conquests and limits of Expansion
(c) Beginning of the crisis: Contemporary perceptions; Agrarian and Jagir crises;

Unit-4 Patterns of Regional Politics:
(a) Rajput Political Culture and State Formation
(b) Deccan kingdoms; Emergence of the Marathas; Shivaji; expansion under the
(c) Mughal Decline; Emergence of Successor States
(d) Interpreting Eighteenth Century India: Recent Debates

Unit-5 Trade and Commerce:
(a) Crafts and Technologies; Monetary System
(b) Markets; Transportation; Urban Centres
(c) Indian Ocean Trade Network

Recommended Readings:

M. Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb.
Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subramanian, eds, The Mughal State, 1526 - 1750.
J.F. Richards, The Mughal Empire.
Satish Chandra, Essays on Medieval Indian History.
Irfan Habib, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1526 - 1707.
Ashin Dasgupta, Indian Merchants and the Decline of Surat, 1700 -1750.
Stewart Gordon, The Marathas 1600 - 1818.
Ebba Koch, Mughal Art and Imperial Ideology.
S.A.A. Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India.
K. R. Qanungo, Dara Shikoh.
S. Nurul Hasan, Religion, State, and Society in Medieval India.
S. Arsaratnam, Maritime India in the Seventeenth Century.
Muzaffar Alam, The Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India.
Catherine Asher, Architecture of Mughal India.
Milo Beach, Mughal and Rajput Paintings.
Satish Chandra, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court.
Andre Wink, Land and Sovereignty in India.
Harbans Mukhia, The Mughals of India.
J.F. Richards, Mughal Administration in Golconda.
Z.U. Malik, The Reign of Muhammad Shah.

Paper I: Museums and Archives in India

It is an introductory course and aims to familiarize students with various aspects of museums
and archives. The purpose of this course is to introduce, examine and understand the major
concepts, principles, functions and operations in the field of museums and archives. It will
enable students to understand its overall development as well as theoretical issues and
principles of their management, administration and practical application. The course will help
students to gain practical experience and will be project based.

Unit-1 1.01: Definitions of Museum and Archive- Meaning of
 Key Concepts.
1.02: Scope of Museology and Archival Studies.

Unit-2 2.01: Origin of Museums and Aarchives in Global and
 Indian Context; Introduction to some major
 Museums and Archives of India
2.02: Development of Museums and Archives in Northeast India.

Unit-3 3.01: Different types of Museums and Archives and their
 Management and Administration and Staffing
3.02: Legislations and Conventions related to Museums
 and Archives

Unit-4 4.01: Storage- Presentation and Exhibition of Museum
 Objects and Archival Materials
4.02: Methods of Collection and Conservation: Scientific
 Examination and Documentation

Suggested References:

Agarwal O.P., Essentials of Conservation & Museology
Biswas T.K., Museum & Education, New Age International
Brooks, Philip C., Research in Archives
Burcaw G, Ellis, Introduction to Museum Work
Caulton, T., Hands –On Exhibitions : Managing Interactive Museums and Science Centres
Choudhary, R.D., Museums of India and Their Maladies
Edson, G. & Dean., The Handbook for Museum
Ghose, Sailen, Archives in India
Guha Thakurta, Tapati,Monuments, Objects, Histories: Institution of Art in Colonial and
Post-Colonial India
Hein, H.S., The Museum in Transition.
Kathpalia, Y.P., Conservation and Restoration of Archive Materials
Jeyaraj, V. Museology: Heritage Management, Government Museum
Knell, S., MacLoed, S.& Watson, S., Museum Revolutions: How museums change and are
Nair,S.M. , Bio- Deterioration of Museum Materials
Sengupta, S., Experiencing History through Archives
Tripathi, Alok, Museum Studies


The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the general outline of the history
of India from the known earliest times to the coming of the Mughals to India in the first
quarter of the 16th century. It is aimed at giving them a comprehensive idea of the
developments in all spheres of life during this period.

Unit-1 1.01: Sources –a Survey
1.02: Harappan Civilization –Origin and Extent, Morphology of the Major sites,
Salient features, End of the civilization.
1.03: Vedic Civilization Society, Economy, Polity and Culture of the Rig-Vedic
and the later-Vedic Periods

Unit-2 2.01: Rise of the Territorial States –the Mahajanapadas, Geographical Extent,
2.02: Ascendancy of Magadha-Alexander’s Invasion of India.
2.03: Rise of the Mauryan Empire under Asoka -His Inscriptions –the Dhamma –
External Relations
2.04: Mauryan System of Administration
2.04: Decline and Fall of the Mauryan Empire6

Unit-3 3.01: Political Developments in the Post-Mauryna period - the Sungas, Kanvas,
Kushanas and Satavahanas- Society, Economy and Culture
3.02: The Tamils and Sangam Age.
3.03: The Sakas and the Indo-Greeks in India- their Contributions
3.04: India in the Gupta and the Post-Gupta period- Polity, Society, Economy and

Unit-4 4.01: Political development in the South –the Pallavas, the Imperial Cholas, the
Rashtrakutas and the Chalukyas
4.02: The Arabs and the Turks in Indian politics –Ghaznivides and the Ghorid
4.03: Indian Society during 650 –1200 A.D.-Literature and Language, Temple
Architecture and Sculpture

Unit-5 5.01: The Delhi Sultanate- (a) the Slave dynasty (b) the Khalijis- Alauddin
Khaliji’s Administration (c) the Tughlaqs –Experiments of Muhammad Bin
5.02: Disintegration of the Delhi Sultanate and Rise of Provincial KingdomsVijayanagar and Bahmani kingdom
5.03: Polity, Society, Economy, Religion and Culture of the Sultanate Period,
Bhakti Movement and Sufism and Neo-Vaishnavism in Assam

Suggested Readings:
Barua, P.K : Bharat Bhuranji
Begum, Senehi : Bharat Buranji, (Dillir Sultan Sakal)
Banerjee, A.C. : History of India
Chandra, Satish : Medieval India
Majumdar, Dutta & Raychoudhury : Advanced History of India
Nath, D. : Bharatar Rajnoitik Aru Sanskritik Buranji.
Sinha & Ray : History of India
Spear Percival : History of India
Singh, Upindar : A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India
Thapar, Romila : Ancient India